"This film is the first time capsule of the jam music scene, much likethe Woodstock film was a time capsule of the counter-culture scene.This 2 DVD set contains over 3 hours of music from the scene\'sPremier bands". Umphrey\'s McGee, Keller Williams, The Disco Biscuits and ParticleHave all been captured at the first annual "Jam In the \'Dam" from thelegendary Melkweg in Amsterdam, Holland in March of 2005. Each bandis featured with 35 to over 50 minutes of live music.This is the last video documentation of both Particle and The DiscoBiscuits before both bands changed their rosters. Most notably, thisis more than just a live concert video. This is a film with a story.It features a highly interactive DVD menu with over 40 minutes ofintimate interviews in unique settings. All four bands discuss theirphilosophies on music, their scene and their observations on visitingthe great city of Amsterdam. There are also 2 bonus slideshows and aspecial coffeeshop featurette. This DVD will appeal to jam bandaficionados and mainstream music lovers alike."Video...http://jaminthedam.com/JITD_EPK.html Jam in the Dam on Myspacehttp://www.myspace.com/jaminthedamdvd
HAHAHA, i bet I am in that thing, I gotta buy one of those.