Bro, Nugroove has no problem with you guys promoting your show. It looks like a good lineup (being in the same business, we have like-think about good bands, so we book the same guys). You guys are in your first year and we wish you the same luck as us, or anyone in the same game. However, you give your self too much credit: I guarantee you no one ‘copied’ you’re lineup. The only reason why I even bothered to address you is because you’re going all over the proverbial town (i.e. internet) talking a lot of trash about the show. Rest assured, we will not engage in that kind of behavior, but you can’t expect to have cart blanch to say unfounded things like ‘we don’t support vibes.’ It’s a big market, and there’s room for both of us. We appreciate you coming last year, and you can have and express your opinion of the program, even if it isn’t shared by very many who attended the same show (as reviewed by several reputable institutions: see, 4twk, etc). But your attempt to drum up publicity for your show by bashing others is not appreciated, and I’m calling you on it.