some breakfast lingo:
melt (n)
1. when a musicians tallent is so blatent that it causes instant shock and awe to a person, usually who does not know the capabilites of said musican.
That guy Tim just melted my face!
2. to impress beyond belief. Holy shit, that guy Tim just melted my face!
3. To heat above 100 degrees for a prolonged period of time, causing the persons body (70% water) to boil over and break down into a blob like substance in a t-shirt.
Why the fuck would you do that, that guy Tim just melted my face! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
doozie (n)
1. a preformance where there are more people traveling in the band van than paid to get into the show.
Man, this show is a doozie, lets play \'duece\' in it\'s entirety to piss off everyone who didn\'t come.
PME (n)
1. Panty Moistener Extreme Stephen said Tim made his pantys wet, he\'s a Panty Moistener Extreme. Why the hell is he wearing pantys?
2. Tim Palmieris ability to lay the voodoo on the ladies in the room
Save (n)
1. See Ron Spears
What a groove. Save side \'fo life!
Ser (n)
1. a blue t-shirt
2. The only word Freddie wah and Frankzappa can spell correctly without outside help.
3. Mooboo\'s Voodoo
Taht moboooes vooodu wais rally ser tunighte!!!
Sequoia (n)
1. A large north american redwood that usually grows in california or east haven, ct
2. Anyone who plays keyboards and grew up with said tree type growing in his yard.
3. Jordan Giangrecco
Animal (n)
1. a kick ass pearl jam song
2. Adrian
3. A muppets character who plays the drums like Adrian