Check out this show. I love the Pumpkins and this is a pretty awesome pro shot DVD of one of my favorite performances the band did. I think you guys will really like this one if you give it a chance.
thetradersden.orgtorrent fileThe Smashing Pumpkins
Live at Philipshalle
Duesseldorf, DE
Source Information:
Video: TV > VHS > DVDR
Audio: TV > DAT [TCD-D8] > CDR
Lineage: vhsM > dvdr0 + dat1 > cdr0
1. Intro
2. Tonight, Tonight
3. Zero
4. Fuck You (An Ode to No One)
5. Today
6. To Forgive
7. Bullet With Butterfly Wings
8. Thru the Eyes of Ruby
9. Porcelina of the Vast Oceans
10. Disarm
11. Muzzle
12. Cherub Rock
13. 1979 *
14. X.Y.U. *
15. (interview)
Total Running Length: 75 minutes
Please direct any questions to zerozwan (at) hotmail (dot) com