Sorry for the delay but here\'s what went down in ATL:
I got shut out of TLG. I guess you were right Leith, I should have bought tickets early, but who can ever predict when a band will make a sudden breakthrough? And it was sudden - as recently as 2005 I saw TLG in Athens GA along with ten other people. But then TLG played a minor festival in Atlanta (Terrapin Beer Fest), and their next show, Sept. 05, was nearly packed. The festival must have did the trick. Also the 5 spot is a very good venue, with great promoters backing it - they also run the variety playhouse, which is a much bigger venue in ATL, and I guarantee TLG will be playing the variety playhouse next time here.
Also the Breakfast needs to get in on the 5 spot next time in ATL because this venue is perfect for an up and coming band and the promoters know how to get people in there ( and they also control larger venues so they hold the key to anyone wanting to get big in ATL.)
As for Moe that shit was sick! Al is definitely in a dead heat with Tim Palmieri as the greates american guitar player on the scene right now. Al is just a freaking alien. He went nuts on guitar on multiple occasions, and the show was very jammed out. It\'s good to see a true jamband make it big, and they are sticking to their jamband roots - they play to their strengths - jamming - rather than their weaknesses. They do not try to reinvent themselves at the 11th hour, and deny that they\'re a jamband. Trey could learn alot from Moe, who overall were far superior to Trey\'s last show.