80minutes, 90minutes, same thing, I knew it was one of those, it\'s still just way too long of a game for any sport. To say hockey is soccer with skates and a stick is just ridiculous. Fighting aside, there is so much more physicality to hockey than soccer; last time I checked you couldn\'t purposely put a shoulder into someone on a soccer field; I know it happens alot, but I wouldn\'t consider it part of the game. Even pre-change hockey wasn\'t as boring to watch, even though few goals were scored there were more scoring opportunities and shots on goal in one twenty minute period than an entire 90 minute soccer match; maybe in part because people on skates move faster than people running and/or the playing surfaces being drastically different in size. Don\'t get me wrong, I\'m not knocking soccer, I\'m just saying that personally I find no excitement or entertainment in watching it, and you can\'t really compare it to hockey, pre or post rule changes. I know there are indoor soccer leagues and whatnot out there, I think there should be some sort of compact soccer arena league, much like they did with arena football.