- smelly roommates
- roommates who do not buy anything, including but not limited to: food, beer, paper plates (oh, roommates who use all the dishes but never do dishes; i threw all the plates, silverware, and most pans out because i was pissed), cleaning supplies
- roommates who wear your clothes on a daily basis, and ruin some of them, because they are too lazy to wash their own, or wash the bag of clothes that\'s in the basement since we moved in
- roommates who sleep on the couch because their room is too messy/smelly
- roommates who don\'t empty the trash, fill trash bags and leave them by the door, and never take the trash downstairs
- roommates who \'clean\' up by putting all the trash into a bag and move everything that\'s not in the right place into the next room.
- roommates who \'work\' every night but never have money for bills, and who leave paystubs around for a 10 hour work week
think that\'ll do for now