Out of curiosity, why are there no dates on the trip home? Maybe it is something I don\'t/won\'t/can\'t understand but doesn\'t make sense to make the trip out there playing and the trip home playing?
Since they have to pass through lots of the country on the ride home, a couple dates would be nice for the cities/states they have never left footprints in.
Somebody should tell Tim that the
http://www.thebreakfast.org address, posted on the top of all the Vernal Equinox Tour posters/handbills, no longer redirects users to
http://www.thebreakfast.net. You basically get a blank page with no mention of the band. I spent my Friday night handwriting (I was too busy at work to find a label maker to do the job for me)
http://www.thebreakfast.net and
http://www.thebreakfast.info on the cd sleeves of 200 samplers which will be passed out in S.F. and Berkeley this afternoon.
One question related to the tour for Shadygroove: Are you rounding up the Iowans for the second coming of Breakfast in Iowa City? Haven\'t heard any mention of the show yet. Would be nice if the band is greeted by a solid Tuesday night crowd on tour\'s debut event.