Whipping Post by the Allman Brothers Band would be choice. I bet they could rip it to shreds.
I also think they could pull off a mean Dazed and Confused by Zeppelin.
first time i saw the breakfast, i mean PSYCHEDELIC breakfast, they ripped Whipping Post a new ass. they had some chick sing from Mountain of Venus-- HSMF 2003 in the Vaudeville Tent. i just wandered in at like 11am right before they started their set (never even heard of them) and Rufus was the first thing i ever heard em play. i thought it was awesome but i will forever kick myself in the ass for not getting into them like i shouldve. i saw 40-50 new bands that weekend, PB\'s set was the last day and i was kind of drained, but i did come home and search out a trade for them immediately. got 7.18.03 @ No Moore and loved it, but then just got lazy in getting more shows and Phish just got back together, so basically im just saying: Fuck Me. oh, and that 7.18.03 show i have, i never even listened to Tribal straight through until about 6 months ago (had the show for almost 2 years). and THAT is why i am on these boards everyday. talk about a moment of feeling ignorent, damn.