Originally posted by Ron
Did\'nt see many covers that I thought were really that good.....black sabbath is cool but not cool enough...better off starting a new list. I want intence jam songs!!
I, too, am always interested in the way they treat covers - in fact, there are a number of covers now which I prefer to the originals, eg Peace Frog (and I\'ve been a major doors fan for over 20 years) - but what do you mean "intense jam songs"?
The boys are jamming out now harder than ever before. Part of their style and attraction, I believe, lies in their ability to take what have become classic rock standards and jam the excrement out of them!! I, personally, wouldn\'t want to see them doing too many covers by contemporary jam bands, lest they be labelled copyists. They\'ve served their apprenticeship doing the covers and covers now serve more as vehicles for them to open up within a framework.
If you don\'t believe me, go to archive.org and download a few of their cover versions to see what they do to them - I assure you, while some of the choices might not seem inspired to you, the treatment will be!!