Author Topic: bonnaroo?!  (Read 7512 times)


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« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2006, 04:46:11 pm »
Quote from: leith
Quote from: sequia
Quote from: leith
So now we have a band member whining about this stuff on the fansite?
That seems sad to me.

yea and your gonna be whining about my foot up your gapeing hole.
now that could be a sad sight....

oh come now Jordan.
I am sure your energy can be better directed @ getting on the phone and discussing the reasons the band is not on the initial lineup for the \'Roo or if there is a possibility of it w/ your MANAGEMENT.
 Like maybe your booking agency or anyone that could DO SOMETHING about it instead of talking shit to me.
 It just looks sad for a member of the band to come and START a thread whining about how they got dissed again. :sigh:

actually,if you didnt
 post dickhead posts,thered be no reason for him to say anything like that to you.
im sure there doing all they can to get whatever they can.
take the E to the A to the\'ll be all set


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« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2006, 04:49:37 pm »
exactly your the one starting shit with him leith

so take a fuckin hint and BACK THE FUCK OFF!!!!
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« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2006, 04:51:08 pm »
Quote from: freddiewaht
Quote from: leith
Quote from: sequia
Quote from: leith
So now we have a band member whining about this stuff on the fansite?
That seems sad to me.

yea and your gonna be whining about my foot up your gapeing hole.
now that could be a sad sight....

oh come now Jordan.
I am sure your energy can be better directed @ getting on the phone and discussing the reasons the band is not on the initial lineup for the \'Roo or if there is a possibility of it w/ your MANAGEMENT.
 Like maybe your booking agency or anyone that could DO SOMETHING about it instead of talking shit to me.
 It just looks sad for a member of the band to come and START a thread whining about how they got dissed again. :sigh:

actually,if you didnt
 post dickhead posts,thered be no reason for him to say anything like that to you.
im sure there doing all they can to get whatever they can.

yeah like coming on here and whining like me is really accomplishing alot. pfft
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« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2006, 04:52:46 pm »
Quote from: leith

yeah like coming on here and whining like me is really accomplishing alot. pfft

exactly man!!
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« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2006, 04:54:46 pm »
Quote from: Me!
exactly your the one starting shit with him leith

so take a fuckin hint and BACK THE FUCK OFF!!!!

This is a fansite and if he wants to post here he should realize some fans do not have their head up his ass just cause he plays a mean keyboard.
He should not be posting whining threads. That is for fans to do. He should just stick to making music and let us and management bitch abt perceived disses.
If you cannot see that too bad.
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  • Mrs. Tickler
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« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2006, 04:56:23 pm »
Quote from: leith
Quote from: sequia
Quote from: leith
So now we have a band member whining about this stuff on the fansite?
That seems sad to me.

yea and your gonna be whining about my foot up your gapeing hole.
now that could be a sad sight....

oh come now Jordan.
I am sure your energy can be better directed @ getting on the phone and discussing the reasons the band is not on the initial lineup for the \'Roo or if there is a possibility of it w/ your MANAGEMENT.
 Like maybe your booking agency or anyone that could DO SOMETHING about it instead of talking shit to me.
 It just looks sad for a member of the band to come and START a thread whining about how they got dissed again. :sigh:
Quote from: freddiewaht
Quote from: Me!
Quote from: leith

If so you would think band members would be bitching to them instead of starting threads here.

Leith you know this shit pisses people off why do you perpetuate???
It seems to me like now it\'s all you do on here try to piss everyone off

he thrives on it,i think..

You would know the feeling wouldn\'t you Wah?
No I just think that since you all think this website is searched by players in the music industry so much, do you not think it looks bad for a band member to be posting crybaby shit like this thread?
All they have that I can see is a bunch of people jocking them and not challenging them to be a BETTER BAND overall,not just better musicians.

:rolleyes:As much as I know that Leith is just a Cali surfer boy, and that even I can kick his scrawny :ass: I think he\'s right... but, if a band member is complaining about this, let\'s see if we can help.  What can we do?  Is there anyone who has connections? If the fanbase can work together, the problem could be solved.  Let\'s inundate Bonnaroo with emails, phone calls, etc. We\'ve filled plenty of venues, and supported TB in many other ways.  We could help instead of bitching about something we can\'t control.
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« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2006, 05:03:09 pm »
all he did was merely state the fact that there not on the lineup,per usual....
bitching?not really
whining?not at all.
take the E to the A to the\'ll be all set


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« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2006, 05:05:30 pm »
it\'s mainly that he KNOWS noone on here wants to hear it so WHY LEITH WHY???????
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« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2006, 05:07:37 pm »
Quote from: leith
It just looks sad for a member of the band to come and START a thread whining about how they got dissed again. :sigh:

Agreed, he should leave the whining to professionals like you.

Roo would be great exposure for the band. They would definitely be a band that people would remember from the fest. A lot of people around the country have heard buzz about the band and would be curious and eager to see them in such a setting.

Who wants to chip in on a Farmer John\'s sampler to send to Superfly?
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« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2006, 05:12:43 pm »
I for 1 would like memebrs of the band to post here more than they do. I think it adds to the community feeling of it all.

Having said that why should he feel that he needs to censor himself. He has as much right as anyone to bitch moan, tell jokes etc. This site revolves around his Job as a member of the band we all love.

I think a fan calling a band member out is in poor taste. You might not have thought his post was positive but thats his call. Its his his band too and he can do or say whatever the hell he wants.

I for 1 am getting a little sick of your constant negative posts
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« Reply #40 on: February 01, 2006, 05:18:22 pm »
3 great points

1:community feel
2:poor taste
3:negative comments

see Leith no one wants to hear this shit!!
Everywhere there\'s lots of piggies, Living piggy lives. You can see them out for dinner With their piggy wives, Clutching forks and knives To eat their bacon


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« Reply #41 on: February 01, 2006, 05:19:38 pm »
Quote from: obsession600
Who wants to chip in on a Farmer John\'s sampler to send to Superfly?

:lol: how about a "save the sequoia" tree? ;)
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« Reply #42 on: February 01, 2006, 05:24:51 pm »
although this is a fansite, its great when band members get actively involved in fan discussions, maybe if more bands did that they would have a better relationship with their fans.

i dont really like big festivals that much, too many people, a few smaller festivials would be nice.  bonnaroo would be great exposure for the band. they would be the only reason for me to travel there in my opinion

with that being said, if crescendo has contacts with the roo ppl, and already have one of their artists already on the initial lineup, they I would calmy explain to managment that this is unaccecptable and something needs to change.  dont get me wrong i have seen the motet and they are a good jazz band, but if this is allegedlly the most influential jamband related festival of hte year, then this is where the breakfast should be and if they are not added sometime from here to June its a damn shame. its too bad. maybe some ppl having a prob w/ the band?
Merge futhermucker just you merge You futhermucker merge merge futhermucker now

You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye - Raoul duke - Hunter S. Thompson, Fear&Loathing

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« Reply #43 on: February 01, 2006, 05:36:50 pm »
:yay: very well said (& written) rujah! ;)
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« Reply #44 on: February 01, 2006, 05:49:03 pm »
I would love it if the band members posted more also but as for poor taste I think starting a thread abt being dissed is in poor taste and somewhat of a poor loser also.
So that being said I think if Jordan had just thought about his thread it should have been a call to us fans to write in and email etc. All the ideas a fan like Robyn mentioned. Now that I would have got behind and championed.
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.