I voted "another useless post", just as a protest vote. Personal feelings about the tune aside, "Beef Barley" shouldn\'t be shelved for two reasons:
1. It\'s a song that newbs can latch onto (see: Phaddy Boom Piss-Break)
2. The beginning, middle, and end all segue well
But my personal feeling is that "Beef Barley" shouldn\'t be SHELVED, but should be played less. I feel like it comes up when the band doesn\'t know exactly what to play (especially when it is a set opener). As far as the jam being a monster, that just comes with the territory of it being a Breakfast tune. Any song the Breakfast wanted to have a monster jam would have a monster jam by now if played with regularity since 10/30/1999. If there is an applicable replacement (see: Honeybutter) the song can definitely be played less frequently, though not shelved. Speaking as one who sees The Breakfast about once a month (average), I wouldn\'t mind seeing it every four shows or so.