I: Garcian Fishbowl > Gravity > Bugs > Gravity > Garcian Fishbowl, Beef Barley, Good Things > Buquebus > Rufus
II: Rufus > Buquebus, LDZ > Psygn > Sleeping Beauty > Wild Pack Of Asscracks
E: The Man In Me*
* Adrian on guitar, Tim on drums.
Thanks to bezerker for the updates!
Great, great time last night. The crowd was pretty dense and very loud at all the right moments. One of the best first sets I can ever remember. Incredible shifts in dynamics from psychedelic to hard rockin to soulful to playful to spacey and all points in between. Kinda had the feel of a Phish show, and I mean that in a good way. Gravity jam reached mega cruising altitude, though I thought Bugs was misplaced coming out of it. (To be fair, I\'m not such a big fan of Bugs.) The rest of the double-decker palindrome segue back to Garcian was awesome, especially the last Garcian jam which came just as you thought Gravity was going to end. They played the first parts of Buquebus and Rufus only, leaving both unfinished before the second set. Doesn\'t matter what team you\'re on, Buqubus > Rufus is about as ser as it can ever get.
Going into second set I was curious how they would attack the unfinished business of both Buquebus and Rufus. Open with one, close with the other? Nope, open with Rufus jam, then into Buquebus. Holla! The second Buquebus jam hit this insane industrial beat with Jordan\'s synth behind it all repeatedly playing what sounded like an alarm siren. I kept picturing a secret underground biological testing facility that had just become contaminated. The alarm is going off and everyone is scrambling around like mad to save themselves and the self destruct sequence is activated. This was the jam to that scene. (btw this scene is actually in the movie "The Andromeda Strain.") So that was nutty, as was the rest of the set. The problem with the rest of the set was the lack of dynamic shift. They went for the huge rock jam every time. Even when they changed song, it felt like they were back at the same high-furiousness jam again within a couple of minutes. You gotta have contrast to make all that seem even bigger. It\'s about the ups and downs. If last night\'s second set were sex, it would be like taking your woman and railing her as hard as you could for 60 minutes straight. For a few minutes that\'s all well and good, but over the long run you gotta change things up to get some contrast going and make everything seem more pronounced. Man In Me is a really really good cover. A lot of people know it, nobody else plays it, and it\'s a fun party epilogue tune. Good encore.
Thanks to everyone who came over, great time! Boy do I love hosting parties. I woke up at 3PM today after that madness. There was lots of ball-breaking...specifically the silver shiny balls on the Christmas tree. I hope we get to do it again soon. Special thanks to Steve and Elysa for my "Christmas Miracle."
Great times, see you soon!