That\'s right. The list which was begun in June of 2004 now has 1,001 little gems of semi-intoxicated pseudo-brilliance.
Thanks everyone. I couldn\'t have climbed this mountain without you. Practically every person I know has inadvertently contributed to this monstrosity.
And so, without further ado, here is my compendium of inanity.
Food Stamp Facials
Happy Recap
Puffy Cumulus
Jump Ugly
Technology Debate
Then Again
Bottom Feeder
Died Laughing
Gruff Husky Tenor
Total Mayhem
Veteran Move
Vacant Vessel
The Cat Bird’s Seat
Rookie Mistake
Sloppy and Obvious
Hot Chafe
Nicely Done
Fair is Foul
Foul is Fair
The Horse Shit Loophole
Vegan Meat Salad
Pot Beats Paxil
Egg Salad Bar Bums
Out of the Jelly and Into a Jam
The Salad Bums
Egg Salad Burp
Egg Salad Bums
Scolding Bums
Ticket to the Big Time
Whiny Couple
Whinny Coupe
Retail Burnout
Constant Constipation
Deodorant Ocean
Pump Up The Pepto
Real Jobs Aren’t That Bad
My Lucky Scalpel
Bar Rag Squeezins
Complex Coward
Timid Bitch
Lanky Doofus
Clean Elbow
Ketchup Contest
Take a Favor
You First
Vantage Point
Esoteric Iota
2 For 5
Go Without
Finicky Degree
Empty Gesture
Non Sequitur
Scantily Clad
Concrete Colonic
Hyper Colonic
Hyper Sluts
Hyper Slit
Hypo Squats
Hydro Sluts
Def Bohemian
Privy to Your Prowess
Ringing Endorsement
Who Benefits From Whammys?
A Great Day for Vocabulary
Style Over Substance
No Breathers
Shoot ****, Snort Acid, Drink Smack, Smoke Beer
Trophy Housewife
Scratch-Off Chicks
Nether Regions
Cream of the Crap
Generic Gangsta Shit
Space Age Rollers
Zen Empty
Play Action Options
Fiber Dump
Who Benefits?
Lessen the Gap
Not Everyone Gets Famous
Speed Freak Dead Beat
Speed Beat Dead Freak
Wedgie Burrito
Ouija Burrito
High Life on Ice
Do Whatever
Wretched Excess
Pralene Crunch
Put Away Your Pasty Whigs
Hashin’ Out the Hoagie
Sugar Garnish
Porta-John Perfume
Porta-Potty Perfume
Rehab is for Quitters
Motor Home Cheese Doodles
Fair Enough
Semblance of a Smile
Lickity Split
Left-Handed Pants
Kicked Outda Rehab
Banned From Rehab
Veritable Quagmire
Pedro’s Payoff
Pontius De Leon
Class Asshole
Class Actor
Fast Tapin’
Inept at Life
Blown on Christmas
Focus Pocus
Porn War Rehearsal
Immediately, if not Sooner
Humble Happiness
Tight Spiral
Golden Flash
Loom Large
Put You Together
Depressed Embryos
Shoulda Didn’t
Duly Noted
Murky Depths
Slutty Nun’s Ass
Bald Face
Medicine Hat
Cheese Balls or Bust
Happy Medium
Vote or Die
Uphill Struggle
Running Rampant
The Generous Ramblers
Pleased Medium
Meatloaf and Mustard
Fungi Balls
Geeks and Meatheads
Loafmeat and Mastood
Verbal Life Preserver
Verbal Preserver
Outta Sorts
Born Outta Sorts
Ready to be Willing
Redundancy Package
High on Pine Sol
Good Hiding Spot
Rundown Orphanage Whorehouse
Trivial Prosciutto
Facial Buffet
Thunderous Clang
Rapid Yak
Rabid Yak
Weak Stream
Nudge it Loose
The Indescribables
Face Hole
Face Head
Face Syrup
Vanity Points
Obsessive Repulsive Disorder
Fruitless Pursuit
Focus Dope
Increasingly Treacherous Travel
Three Rival Churches
Bars of Tarnished Brass
Particularly Finicky
God of Glockenspiel
God of Rockenspiel
Rest Assured
Whack Thereof
Literal Bits
Vomit Fetish
Puke Stew
Aw Shucks
Lateral Collateral
Balloon Drop
Crack Whore in Training
Tyson Cisco
10 New Machetes
Cherry Cherry Divinity
Tied Dye Tuxedo
Encore Eulogy
Slick Funeral
Focus Dose
Focus Dosage
Bland Wake
Tattered Denim Glory
This I Know
Crank Up the Defibrillator
Big Sweaty Moments
Litta Bitta Both
Claire’s Meth Date
Stock Footage
Approaching Growing Urgent
Chatty Mourners
Shit Fingered
Nap Addict
The Official Particulars
Dime Bags to Dildos
Blood Ball
Crying Sicilian Mother
Crap Sappy Ballad
Force of Habit
Vanilla Pressure
Greasy Fever
Sodomy Policy
Thick and Thin
The Ramada Bitches
Circus Burger
Instantly Forgettable
Home Run Haven
Chunky Build
Trading Barbs
Senile Genius
Shy Lively
Expressed Written Consent
Snacks and Refills
Psych Minor Thesis
Relentlessly Active
Effective Aggressive
Gassy Snacks
Creamy Treats
Passive Tactics
The Flowing Gloaters
Air Guitar at 30
Greasy Street
Restlessly Active
Dumb Farce
Super Huge Two-Year Old
Dicking for Discounts
Spectator Pumps
Corner Pocket Prostitute
Dusting for Vomit
Coolin’ the Juice
Neck Sweat
Split the Difference
In Front of the Other
Gum Slut
Balancing Act
Positively So
Willing to Shame
Don’t Read Enough
Acquiring the Clay
Why and How?
Timid, Disgusted, or Disinterested
Laughter and Nausea
Consider Everything
As Opposed To
Nothing is Remembered
Even Feasible
Zealous at Times
You Tell Me
Honesty and Courtesy
God’s Secretary
Commencin’ to Fester
Preliminary Sideburn
Sexy Time Explosion
There Isn’t Anything
Stress Fracture
Big-Blind Special
Brush the Tongue
Anal Stage-fright
License to Lie
King Bundy Thumbs
Heroin Librarian
Six Pack of Piels and a Boner
Check Swing Roller
Ball Scab
Swamp-Ass Soufflé
Tumble Sault
Speedy Recovery
Beyond Our Control
We All Slopped from Mommy’s Twat
Everything’s Optional
It’s Probably Nothing
Knee-Jerk Reaction
Cyanide Skinny-Dip
Naked News Anchor Trading Cards
Percocet Blue Balls
Percocet Booty Call
Testicular Tug-of-War
Low-Budget Sequel
Side Retired
Mannequin Orgy
The Abominable Stretch
Regurgitation Stew
Enthusiastic Suicide
King-Queen Suited
Two-Count Only
Gut it Out
Airborne to Snag
The Obligatory Oof
Sahara Marathon
Rabid Ears
Shit Kicker
Make Like a Hedgehog
Jam Job
hoo haa-Whipped Fag
Pizza Boner
The Bad Beats
The White Leroy
Six-Pack Girl
Clatter of Rats
Standup Double
The Ragu Sisters
Prepare the Preserver
Whore Goggles
Jack Off All Trades
Roots Like a Radish
Caught on the Carom
Agent Wonder Bread
Gaseous Clay
Hitler Took Shits
The Obligatory Cliques
The Leadoff Walks
The Big Size 22
Ballsy Call
My Sister’s Dick
Bellicose Veins
Shrivel Dick
Think Thrice
Zipper Dick
No Means Roofies
Super Johnny Good Times
Inverted Atomic Drop
High Cross Body
The B-12 Boners
Muck Funnel
Schmuckface Fuck
Death by Stairs
Dismal Decimal System
**** Guff
Fake-Titted Texas Twat
Gastrointestinal Warfare
**** Spleen vs. Ketchup Clit
Porn Again Christian
Breastfree Butterback
Incorrect Molten Ass
Sack Rag
Tofutti Break
Anti-Santa Establishment
Grandma Got Bent Over by a Reindeer
Imagination Rabies
Gruel Omelets
Move Over, Shut Up, and Leave Me Alone
Bread, Milk, ****, Sleep
Static Klingons
Bourbon-Bellied Bitch
Ass Rag
The Insurance Jerk
Quick Porn Fix
Another Casserole
Three Filthy Dudes
Grey Pube Stew
Of Course You Can’t
Virginity Dinner
Little Jesus and the Whole Troupe
The Daytime Dezi’s
Touch of the Dizzies
Stupid Tree
Leave the Orchids Out of It
Hamster on Rye
Medicinal Masturbation
Johnny Came By
Jam Rag Sandwich
Peter North Stunt Double
Folkfest Fuckfest
Gas Station Swill
Microwave the Ovens
Wick Dippin’ in the Cold Sound
Permanent Period
Phlegm Gum
Phlegm Gum Ruckus
Falling Flat
Tiki’s Barber
Buddha Burgers
Shaft Wrap
Corporate Booty
Three Inches of Soft Lovin’
The Cos’s Funky Sweaters
Hee Haw Reruns
The Lettuce Inn
Scrum in Front
Wintry Mix
Knob Rot
Take That
My Pet Shit
Nanna on the Dance Floor
Opaque Soul
The Rhythmic Shimmies
Quart of Whore Milk
My Slutty Clutches
Anxiety Omelet
My Strutty Crutches
Goo Ass Wallop
Goo Ass Trollop
The Up and Up
Venomous Appendage
The Goddamn Michael Crichton’s
Genital Mishap Circus
The Charlton Hesistants
Bloody Elephant Stool
The Salvador Deli
Decaffeinated Cat
Escalating Prosthetics
Maniacal Smile
Clean Sheets Sweepstakes
Tool Booth
Go Home Gertrude
Blue Mucus
Tutti Frutty Buddha
Mo’ Betta’ Buddha
Valentine’s Gay Massacre
The Battle-Scarred Buttonless Blouse
The Ketchup Clause
Ketchup Klaus
Hash Wednesday
Cracker Jack-Off
The Corn-Eyed Brown Trout
Whistle for a Wet Spot
Rocket Surgery
Professional Flowbee Technician
Pro Flowbee Tech
The Thick of Things
Blindside Blow
Kazoo Menudo
Sinister British Connection
Queef Latina
Dizzy on DayQuil
Better Get the Bucket
The Burning Beards
Jesus and the Nuthuggers
The Audible Odor-bles
The Naked Upside-Down Crucifixions
Half Second of Hesitancy
Tully Thumbed Him
Poor Frenchy
Revenge of the Textile Sweaters
Tricky Dick’s Meltdown
The Illicit Whispers
Lickity Shit
The Scrappy Bathrobes
Razor Blade Candidate
Raise the Steaks
Stretch Factor
Mommy Scoffed
You Were There
Summer Salt
The Gamy Taste
Creamy Zucchini
Naked Saturated
The Parental Depths
Drudge Addict
Drudge Attic
Drug Attic
The Nascent Beethoven’s
Backseat Quagmire
Maintain the Framework
Banana Piels
The Neurotic Twats
Insurmountable Edge
The Ketchup Cutlets
The Crimson Concoction
Bottle 2da Temple
The Mahogany Locks
The Hermetically Sealed Hearts
Jack-Off Smirnoff
Bury the Breaking Ball
The Exotic Wallets
The Smothered Mothers
The Mother Smotherers
Don’t Toss the Coffee
Christ and His Bambinos
Tit Lisp
The Ripe Shitholes
Headache Etcetera
Taguchi’s Misadventures
Belated and Fellated
Within an Inch
The Shit Trickles
The Rawdawg Variety
Aspiring to Try
The Official Particulars
Dual Wet Willies
Ten Jolly Vampires
The Muggy Crullers
Walk-Off Balk
Eleventh Person Superfluous
The Amish Mafia
The Cockroach Deadline Delivery Method
The Dazzling Casseroles
Dry Bile Shooting
A Hundred Phone Fumbles
Hot Rotten Salami
Drench the Embers
Little Miss Sweetie Knees
Shag Crack Shack
Pregnant Yak Attack
One Cheek on the Hot Seat
I Don’t Think That’s Unneeded
Siegfried and Freud
Butt Trumpet Express
The Nuns Wore Khaki’s?
Eggs Overwrought
Settle for Veg Head
Handful of Homogenous Nuns
And the Crowd Goes Mild
The Dull Thuds
Crazy Glued Scabs
Runners at the Corners
Gay Dad Attack
The Zany Crustaceans
Igor’s Vagina
The Inexplicable Giggles
No Time for Undies
Semi-Civilized Beasts (With Baseball Caps and Automatic Weapons)
The Illegal Snappy
The Fud Factor
Percy’s Plumber
18 Piles (of different colored shit)
Fisted Foul
Closet Wheels
Hot Shot Up the Box
Cheap Goop
Blessing in Disguise With Diamonds
Poop Lube Catheter
Dutch Oven Lovin’
Bagel Phase
Decapitated Rabbits
Tastes Great With Toothpaste
Prominent Eyelash
Bong Rips and Blowjobs
Hookers and Mayonnaise
The Would-Be Womanizers
Birds That Eat Puke
Portugal Geese
5 a.m. Rotini Raid
Bush-by-Bush Basis
The Proof is in the Parm
Permanent Remnants
Boners at Home
Wicked Shit Pains
Labial Equations
Taco Bell Cures Kids
Diner Doggy Bag
Knee-High Strike
As Cheddar As It Gets
Go Get Gus
One Fell Swoop
Nifty Pickup
Shittin’ for a Livin’
Semi-Drunken Yoga Poses
Five Minutes Maximum
Suck My Diction
Trudgin’ Like a Schmuck
Franklin’s Fro
The Beefy Shit Storms
Post-Coffee, Pre-Jerk
Geritol Joint
Benihana’s Bathroom Bangin’
Lukewarm Rhubarb
Pastry While You Wait
Pasty While You Wait
The Nomadic Yak Herders
Shellackin’ and a Half
Tacos in the Corner
Howard Hughes’s Naked Fiesta
Jock Facade
Meathead Season
The Square Root Canals
The Perman-ated Mullets
Cracked-Up Coitus
Drive Through the Pylons
The Shiny New Babies
Perpetual Period
The Neptune Hemorrhoids
Exceptional Defensive Prowess
The Babble-Head Dolls
Residual Pathogens
Halfway Average
Bobbing for Cats
Placenta Puncture
Shack With Rats
The Regurgitated Cold Hot Dog Hoagies
Whitey in Da Hooptie
The Young and the Listless
Paging Doogie Howser
Bounceback Strategy
Three to the Pallinos
Guinea Gauntlet Stroll
My Sources Are Drunk
Groupie Tit Suck
Ten-Speed Menstrual Cycle
The Krauser’s Goth ****s
Partially Neutered Poodle
Cock-Smith Shenanigans
Douching With Milkshakes
Dizzy Slash Pukey
Scrotums on the Dilly Bars
Sacrifice the Pants
Take it the Face
Sexual Encounter-Part
A Measure of Revenge
Fellatio Hornblower
Everyone’s Nemisis
The Bread That You Slept On
Smelling Farts in Delaware
The Reversible Gherkins
A Rat Named Remy
Heading Home With a Hard-On
Expired Breast Milk
Drive-By Heckle
Well-Timed Swipe
Putty It Up
Jesus (From the Bible)
P.S.: I Wanna Bone Your Brains Out
Thwart that Threat
Gaping Gash Gulch
Bladder in a Blender
Cat in a Backpack
Every Second Tuesday (A Haircut)
Death is the New DNA
So Straight I Sew
Oreo Speedwagon
Tumultuous Times at the Huxtable Homestead
Dick Stab Catheter
Pizza-Less Pizza Land
What Time is 4:20, Dude?
2 + 2 = Go Fuck Your Mother
Left Over Giuseppe’s
Screwed, Blued, and Shit Shoed
W’Sup, Tater Tits?
Sandy Jaeger
Starting Tomorrow
The Mustard Cutlets
1.21 Gigawatts
The Slow Rollers
The Slaw Wranglers
The Coleslaw Cold Sores
The Irrelevant Elephants
The Tuscaloosa Loose Tusks
The Alcoholic Elks
Lazy Susan’s Bag of Puke
Sarcastic Asshole (Who Never Gets Laid)
Deceptive Lefty
Julio Franco’s Geritol Jambalaya
Genital Jambalaya
Make Love, Not Slugs
Lake Flaccid
Counting Black Sabbath Crows
Livin’ Loaf to Loaf
The Naked Lois Lane’s
Do the Chicken Wang
Seven-Second Underwater Scat
Carmine and the Venetian Blinds
Funny in an Hour?
Ann Coulter (Yeah, I’d Bang Her)
My Brain Surgeon, Chip
The Geriatric Dairy Addicts
Motorcycles Are for Pussies
The Bumbling Fucks
Kumquats and Cum Shots
Ob-La-Di Oblongata
Magnified Scalp Analysis
It’s All Milwaukee’s Fault
Lude Awakening
Those Hard to Reach Spots
Overtaken Boy (Fire Flies)
Tricky Dick Times Two
Surrender Expert
1887 Cocaine (In 1900)
The Bacon-Eyed Gibbons
Stagnant Activity
10 Grotesque Toddlers
Ketchup Consolidation
Into Wet Hair
The Mighty Morphine Power Rangers
33 Sloppy Joes Ago
Maybe I’m a Marine (Fuck You Momma)
Use Your Noodle
The Revenge of Slappy McGee
The New Greasy Popes
Pass the Ajax
Sweat Sock Jamboree
Jack and the Myspace Stalk
Peyote Karaoke
Whaddup, Clappy McGillicuddy?
Gingerly Under Own Power
There’s Cannolis?
Garlic Peel Pasty Meal
Borderline Hypothermia
79-Mile Per Hour Lollipop
Licking Lizards
High Watermark
When Skunks Fuck
The Makeshift Memorial
Jujubee’s (In Your Hair)
Henceforth, a Muff
Pretty Ugly
The Pimps and the C.H.U.D.’s
4 a.m. Front-Yard Rumble
Fuckin’ Kid Shat His Ass
The Kryptonite Falafels
Brittany’s Orgasm (In Her Mouth)
Minty Eggs
Chick Passed Out (Pissed Herself)
Jan Brady’s Dildo
Flaccid Gnat Penis
Even in Heaven (You Get No Reception)
33-Second Tit-Sucking Window
Squid Spine Blues
A **** in Sheep’s Clothing
Three Huge Tits
Flintstones With Ritalin
Smother Those Puppies
Post-Orgasmic Tizzy
Madre and the Brow
Whoopi or Rosie?
Ice Cream, Morphine, and Geraldo
Little Noises of Weakness
Massive Prosthetic Genitals
Dimwitted Brothers (Trying to Get Laid)
No Time Flat
Cautiously Nauseous
Lotta Goosebumps
The Moisture Factor
Certifiably Loopy
The Iraqi Arachnids
Soil Sock Stew
Drive-By Blowjob
Concussion-Related Questions
Hibernation Phase
Tension Convention
Nuthin’ Gets Done (Without the Thumb)
Fruit Will Do That
His Intestinal Uncle (The Osteopath?)
Sidestep the Loafer
Pap Smear Campaign
Tits for Tots
Toys for Twats
Semi-Drunken Jordan (On Expert)
The Cheese Sensations
The Green and Orange Finger Philosophies
Improper Assumption
The Heavy Sweaters
Tainted Cakes
Drawer Full of All-Bran
Asshole in a Hat (Who Wants 50 Cents)
Carrot Top (As Zsa Zsa Gabor)
Hidden Agenda
Stab First (Ask Questions Later)
Curfew Mercy
He Came With Broccoli Bread
Snorting Chlorine
British Your English
Will You Marie Me?
My Ginormous Cord Thingy
Will You Marine Me?
Yes It Isn’t
Einstein Was Black?
Giddy Like Gandhi
Gang Bang the Waitress
Precious Little Pressure
Heavy Duress
Uproarious Romp
Flaccid Slapstick
Sabathia’s Soapbox
The Cantankerous Cock ****s
Sorry Sorry, Smoochy, Smoochy (Et Cetera)
Poodle Puddle Pudding
Gum Farts (12 Beers)
The Soupy Sailboats
Resin Erection
The Poor Unsuspecting Fuckers (In The Funhouse)
The Brink of the Brink
The Twatty Twits
Preachin’ to the Deacon
My First Official Whirl
Remember the ‘A La Mode
Moist Valuable Player
Me and Your Mom (Elope to Saskatchewan)
The Bloody Rubbers
Fuck Her Till She’s Bloody
Put Your Mother on a Horse
Cat on a Hot Stove (Woof!)
Glitch in the System
These Aren’t White Cheddar (****!)
Feelin’ Like the Fourth Wheel (On a Trike)
Shot in the Pocket
Candlelight at Popeye’s
The Bulbous Bouffants
An Array of Condiments (On Your Ass)
Blow Job* (*with ball squeeze teases)
The Urban Achievers
Saturated Bag
Not All Carnivores are Cannibals
The Anorexic Badgers
Musical NyQuil
Juke Joke Box
Graham Cracker Fetish
Gotcha a Buoy!
The Zoloft Blobs
We Got Those Doodads (In Texas)
Acid-Laced Advil
Menstruation Milkshake
Beneficial Doubts
Phyllis Diller’s Flaps
Evil Cat Naval
High and Biased
The First Thirty
The Big Rugged Customers
The Pilgrims Fingerfucked?
Somewhat of a Sweepstakes
So You’ll Take a Big Shit Tomorrow
I Can’t Fuckin’ Hear You! (Face Fulla Hummus)
The Guck-Filled Scoopers
My Father’s Reseeded Lawn
I’d Marry Charo Tomorrow
Vitamin Z
The Pottery Community
Cheese Personified
Big Bag of Birdseed (In the Middle of the Road)
Un-showered (In My Stupid Fucking Driver’s License Photo)
Steinbrenner on Steroids
Porkchop Deemed Offensive
Buster’s Pterodactyl Skull
Raw Ass Extract
The Well-Hung Packrats
The Guam Trapezoid
Big River Screw Job
Hot God
****-Inspired Belly-Flops
Tall Glass of Aardvark
The Heady Coxcombs
You Supply the Beer (I’ll Bring the lesbians)
Stegosaurs Heaven
Mature Ejaculation
Patchouli Paradox
Silent Flaccidity
The Notable No-Shows
Cousin Oliver
Sprained Taint
Cook the Books
Catch the One in the Middle
Straight to the Superlatives
Cumming Diarrhea
Johnny Went Clown Face
The Quarter-Inch Cool Ranch Cum Shots
Cadaver Attack
The Liquid Shit Storms
Big Hairy Bush (That Stinks Like Piss)
Rug-Burned Forehead
Mayonnaise on Fries (I’m So Fuckin’ High)
Kibitzing With Mitzi
Ratchet Up the Rhetoric
Filthy Dick Syndrome
Cachet Up The Ying-Yang
Tasteless Cakes
Semi-Literate Fuck Machine
My Everyday Balloons
Eucalyptus Eclipse
The Dork Organization
Slammin’ Like Sunny D
Thrust Into the Fray
Sneeze Gust
Peyote Circus on Jupiter
Rear Naked Choke
Free Heady Hamlet
Bleed Gramps Dry
Seven Gallons of Whiskey (For Breakfast)
Out With the Meat Man (Back Before Dawn)
Canary Cannoli
Too Cute to Fuck
Paul Bunyan Gave Me *********
Upholster the Fuck Outta That Shit
Clits the Size of Kansas
Chappy Sinclair and the Iron Eagle Quartet
Sweet Fondue Pinella
Bacon Sorbet
Ghetto Jenga
Caterpillar Casserole
Poultry in Motion
Bang the Boss
Another Wet Scenario
Wash Your Teeth (With the Piss and Shit)
Hazel’s Famous Short Stack
Plunger Up My Ass (Suction End)
Lesbian Ostrich Latte
Might Not Clot
Quarter-Life Crisis
Midlife Crisis (In the Womb)
Political Anal Cyst
The Final Mind Fuck of Mitzi Dalton Huntley
Bound to Spawn Douche
Castration (Ship Me Off to Sea)
As I looked through the list, it\'s amazing how I can remember the moments that spawned the majority of these. It\'s also interesting how the list gets increasingly wacky as it goes on. Anyways kiddies, I hope it was as good for you as it was for me.