well how is she trying to get you fired. I went through this once with a man hater that for whatever reason had her sights set on me. Never could figure out why she had such a hard on to get me fired and bad mouth me. You would have thought I F\'d her cat or something.
The best thing to do depending on your situation is just go over her head. explain to your boss that so and so is making it difficult for you to do your job because she makes you feel like you have to constantly be looking over your shoulder for said bitch from hell. It is creating an unhealthy work environment
she really does hate me a lot for a number of reasons-one of them being that i\'m white (she is not white and does not like white people). i know that this isn\'t just in my head because she has made remarks about it. the issue about even making a big deal of it is kind of pointless because that the company i work for is sort of going through a melt down right now. they lost a few major contracts/clients (nothing that i work on) and they are possibly on their way out. my supervisor knows that i don\'t like this woman and has seen her give me an attitude before, but there are other issues that are of a higher priority in the office. either way, i\'m still playing chess with this bitch. believe me, i\'m driving her fucking nuts and i love it. at the same time, she is trying to dissect me and make me prove myself at a time of the year when the office is slow and there\'s not a lot going on. aside from everything, i\'ve already started looking at other jobs in the area..only issue is that i get paid a pretty decent salary for someone my age who hasn\'t completed college yet and would like to keep it that way.
pee in her butt.
i would much rather pour hydrochloric acid on her and pee on her face while shoving tobasco sauce/wasabi down her throat.