My mom couldn\'t contain herself, she had to give me one of my presents early. She started out by pulling me aside in the kitchen last night and asking me if I knew this old lady at our church had passed away a couple weeks ago. I said no. She explained that Mildred had had a cat for several years, and after she passed away, her family didn\'t really want it and didn\'t know what to do with it. My mom had been helping the family with some legal stuff because she works for a local attorney and said she would take the cat. For those of you who didn\'t know, my cat I had for 14 years died last month. Mildred\'s cat is 10 and she\'s a tabby just like mine was. It\'s been at the neighbor\'s house for a couple weeks, but my mom couldn\'t wait!!
Just one more thing I have to be thankful for at amazing family.
P.S. I\'m getting a digital camera for Christmas, I\'ll post pictures of the new kitty in a week!
Still haven\'t thought of a name, any suggestions? My brother and I were thinking Tela or Sugaree (Mildred called it "Kitty" for 10 years, haha).