i have been given control of the new Ser Breakfast Show on GDRadio.net. This week we will be airing Sully\'s 1/21/05. I\'m going to need a lot of help with this show, so if anyone is interested in being a DJ once in a while, or say something of importance on the air, or contribute something or anything please contact me. i want to keep this thing going.
http://www.gdradio.netJanuary 21st, 2005 – Sully’s Pub; Hartford, CT
I: Jam* > No Glove No Love, Great Big Fiery Ball In The Sky > Bugs, Doughboy, Dimension 5 >
Attraction To Shade Ditty > Tribal Funk Affliction > Tom Sawyer > Tribal Funk Affliction,
Inner Glimpse, LDZ > HDX
II: Guitar Solo > No Regret > What The Funk** > See The Light^ > Peaches En Regalia, Hard Luck Harry >
Sleeping Beauty > Superfly Phaddy Fat^^, Whole Lotta Love#
E: The Chase##
* The band joined \'The Humpty Dance\' (Digital Underground) playing over the PA, as it faded out.
** unfinished.
^ inverted.
^^ w/ drum solo
# Led Zeppelin cover; first time played; with Ian Schumacher on acoustic guitar
& vocals; with \'Dazed And Confused\' jam.
## "Jack Frost nipping at your balls." (in place of the \'evil laugh\'); with \'Freedom\'
(Rage Against The Machine) ending.