Please do not release studio albums on Oink. The band is not on the verge of extinction, the band does sell albums, the band brings people to the shows, the bands needs money from their efforts in the studio. People can get turned on to The Breakfast in this day and age with free trading so no need to cheat us and our record labels out of money we expect to recoup for the products we have produced. The first Psychedelic Breakfast album included.
The musician in this day and age already is cheated out of due money because of technology. Legislation still is catching up to deal with royalties and rights with new devices and ways of sharing music. It used to be in the old days, a band makes a record. To hear it you\'d have to buy it. To see them you\'d have to pay a ticket price. No gear was available to take that show home and hear it again. You wanna go see a band again, go pay the ticket price and see them all you want.
The two easy avenues of making money is now blown out of proportion today in 2006.
Free trading, taping shows, itunes, mp3s, oink, limewire, kazaa, napster, and etc. are all chipping away at the income of every musician. Technology has reduced the amount you need to pay to enjoy your favorite artist (you can download albums now for a dollar!).
The argument of exposure vs. dollars is a great argument for another thread. Its a battle between short term versus longterm.
Either way - do not submit Breakfast records on Oink. I expect albums now up there to be taken off immediately. Thank You.
Tim Palmieri