Let\'s all meet at Tavern In The Square around 7:30. It\'s located at 730 Mass Ave, a couple of blocks from the Middle East. It\'s good.
POSTGAME: Party at Wolfman\'s. Ah yes, everyone\'s favorite three little words. Bring beer if you want, but I do get free kegs of Sam Adams these days so if I were you I\'d save my money. My address is 63 Newton Street in Somerville, top floor. It\'s an easy 3 minute drive or 20 minute walk from the Middle East.
Directions from Middle East: Head down Massachusetts Avenue such that the Middle East is on your left. Go about 1000 feet past the club and you\'ll be at a huge intersection. Turn right on Prospect Street. Go straight thru about 5 lights and you\'ll come to a light at a U-Save auto. Make the hard left (90 degree turn) onto Concord Street. (At this point if you see a parking spot, park.) In about 500 feet you\'ll come to a little island with a sign saying "Concord Square" on it. Bang a huge right (almost a U-turn) and you\'re on Newton Street, my house is 3 down on the left.
To leave: If you\'re on Newton facing the way the directions left you off (such that my house is on your left), go to the top and make a right at the stop sign, then a soft right back onto Prospect. Go striaght through EVERYTHING for about 3 miles until you see signs for I-90. (Note: About 5 miles down I-90 West you will connect with I-95. Most of you probably know this, but do NOT take I-95 back to New Haven. It is significantly shorter to take 90 > 84 > 91.)
See you Friday!