Author Topic: 12-31-05 Webster Theatre  (Read 7962 times)


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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2005, 03:55:53 pm »
I don\'t know if I\'m going or not, because I usually don\'t go to shows on NYE....usually go to a party and drink my face off, but who knows, i might be there...

anyways, can you only drink at the bar area that night??  cause that\'s a big time downer...i don\'t wanna have to stand up there all night and blow 75 bucks on drinks.
"I don\'t know if it\'s an A-sharp or a B-Flat.......If you get this wrong, we\'ll all B-Flat"  -The Goonies


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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2005, 07:02:36 pm »
Quote from: princesscaspian
any reason this show is twice the price of the last webster show?? we gettin 6 sets? ;)


The Breakfast hit the stage at 10:30pm and are going to rock 3 sets till 3am.

thats pretty sick, imo... did past NYE shows go until 3??? this might be a ser factor in my pending decision to go or not....


  • Mrs. Tickler
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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2005, 07:41:28 pm »
Quote from: weekapaug19
I don\'t know if I\'m going or not, because I usually don\'t go to shows on NYE....usually go to a party and drink my face off, but who knows, i might be there...

anyways, can you only drink at the bar area that night??  cause that\'s a big time downer...i don\'t wanna have to stand up there all night and blow 75 bucks on drinks.

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  • Local Bohemean
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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2005, 08:05:47 pm »
I don\'t know if I\'m going or not, because I usually don\'t go to shows on NYE....usually go to a party and drink my face off, but who knows, i might be there...

anyways, can you only drink at the bar area that night?? cause that\'s a big time downer...i don\'t wanna have to stand up there all night and blow 75 bucks on drinks.

Would this constitute an alcoholic? Booze over Breakfast? 75 bucks on beer?

Easy fix may be a some percesets and a flasc. :)
Plant yourself in the minds of others so you may grow in them as you do yourself.


  • Ser Face Tunage
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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2005, 12:16:18 am »
I am not feeling this show at all for some reason.

Maybe because it\'s at the lamest venue ever in one of the grossest towns in the country.

I really do not understand why they keep going back there. Even the band admits it sucks.... so why????

only 10 people listed on the calender as attending so I guess I am not alone.


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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2005, 12:30:05 am »
Only 10 people have used the calender feature? I pray that more than that are planning on going.
 I do not think everyone understands that the band needs alot of people to fill that place so they can actually showcase their abilities in a nice size room that the band is stressing SOUNDS DECENT WHEN THERE IS PEOPLE THERE!!
 I cannot count how many times I have heard since this show was announced, that the Webster sounds decent w/ a filled or near filled room. I hope anyone out on the east coast AND within a reasonable distance will put all past dislike for the venue behind them for one night and pack the place the best we can.

This show can really help the band start 2006 the right way.
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.


  • Ser Face Tunage
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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2005, 12:48:59 am »
I totally want the band to do well and kick off the new year in the right way but I feel like i have to draw the line somewhere and stop going along with all these idiotic managerial decisions.

Everyone who has seen them knows they are the shit but I feel like if they don\'t get on track and start booking shows and tours properly its going to their ultimate downfall and the end of the breakfast.

The fans are not going to continue to bend over backwards and make sacrifices to compinsate for thier retarded buisness decisons forever.


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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2005, 03:06:41 am »
Quote from: Klout
I totally want the band to do well and kick off the new year in the right way but I feel like i have to draw the line somewhere and stop going along with all these idiotic managerial decisions.

Everyone who has seen them knows they are the shit but I feel like if they don\'t get on track and start booking shows and tours properly its going to their ultimate downfall and the end of the breakfast.

The fans are not going to continue to bend over backwards and make sacrifices to compinsate for thier retarded buisness decisons forever.

Well I would be a liar if I said that at least a small part of me is not saying Hell Yeah Klout make that stand.
However, I think this show really means alot more to them than anyone has let on. That\'s all.
Whatever you plan on doing if you know someone undecided on NYE plans push them towards the Webster.
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.


  • Drunken Garbage Can
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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2005, 08:42:54 am »
quit hate\'n the venue and support your band FUCKERS.:disco:
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

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« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2005, 08:52:16 am »
Quote from: davepeck
i really hope i\'m wrong....

but i get the feeling this show is gonna be a doozie (obviously not a 15-person doozie, but a doozie by webster standards)...

again, i really hope i\'m wrong, and i\'ll be there doing my part..


  • w0okadactyl fo\' life
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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2005, 10:21:32 am »
Quote from: derickw
quit hate\'n the venue and support your band FUCKERS.:disco:

100% behind ya.

I hate the Webster and this will be my last time heading to a breakfast show there but to turn your back on the band that so many claim to be "serheads" for and they are the "best", by you not showing up doesn\'t send a message to the band but to the venue that the breakfast can not bring people in. Toad\'s Place, IMO, has already turned there backs on the band as far as important dates are concerned. So what happens when the band can\'t play the Webster anymore? They have to find a new CT venue and that is hard.

The band already knows the Webster sucks, they have an idea why us fans hate it. The least we can do is show our support for a struggling band that is trying to make it. This show is more important then any before it. It will set the pace for the 2006 year and close of a steamer of year for 2005.
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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2005, 11:00:31 am »
Quote from: Spacey
Quote from: derickw
quit hate\'n the venue and support your band FUCKERS.:disco:

100% behind ya.

I hate the Webster and this will be my last time heading to a breakfast show there but to turn your back on the band that so many claim to be "serheads" for and they are the "best", by you not showing up doesn\'t send a message to the band but to the venue that the breakfast can not bring people in. Toad\'s Place, IMO, has already turned there backs on the band as far as important dates are concerned. So what happens when the band can\'t play the Webster anymore? They have to find a new CT venue and that is hard.

The band already knows the Webster sucks, they have an idea why us fans hate it. The least we can do is show our support for a struggling band that is trying to make it. This show is more important then any before it. It will set the pace for the 2006 year and close of a steamer of year for 2005.

can i get a amen?????
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  • Drunken Garbage Can
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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2005, 11:06:45 am »

Where else can you go and get in for 20 bucks and have a good time with all like minded friends and listen to 4 of the coolest guys around. Come out and show your support for a BAND that does it for you every week.

that being said, are there any plans for decorating
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

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  • B'Fam West Coast Member
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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2005, 11:42:42 am »
I\'m liking the way this thread is heading. Please everyone that can. Make this show!

Spacey is right in that if they cannot even get a Webster date after this due to not
pulling crowds they are screwed as far as CT. venues go!

Most everyone jumped my shit for thinking this year was not all that great for The Breakfast.
 Guess what?
If they cannot fill The Webster for NYE I will not be the only one w/ a slightly negative view of where the band is at.
 AND I don\'t matter at all compared to the people that WILL be thinking along those lines.(Read Promoters,club owners, other bands looking for a band (w/ a draw)to open for them. etc.)
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.


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12-31-05 Webster Theatre
« Reply #29 on: December 27, 2005, 12:57:27 pm »
^^^^^^very valid points made by my man Leith.  get your arse to the Webster, along with whomever you can kidnap for the evening.  IT IS A GUARANTEED GOOD TIME...If we pack the place, the rules will be thrown out the window; not that any of that shit should matter-
3 sets until 3 a.m.- can\'t ask for much more
Not sure what is gonna transpire. Regardless, we ain\'t gonna forget the gravy.