We all know when Ep. 3 debuted, though I\'m curious to know when it was composed/how long it has been in the pipeline?
after the tonic room i told tim how great i thought the song was. he was real happy to hear it and said its been in the works for "like 7 years." he said the hype for this song has been like nothing else.
7 years? are you SER? I would say more like 7 months
about 4.5 years. i can tell you that at least the lyrics were first drafted in March 2001.
Peck, I have a Naked Society disk from 1998 with a Beef Barley tease, and it hadn\'t been officially written yet.
Are there other Magic, Mokijam, Naked Society recordings that indicate some of the current Breakfast songs were in development?
Since Ep. 2 debuted in 1999, the idea of another installment of the Episodes series must have crossed Tim\'s mind (in the least), if it wasn\'t already in the preliminary stages of composition.