ive had parties before where folks walked away with a buncha my shit. so losing a beer isnt really that big a deal.
yeah, i know it wasn\'t worth a lot in monetary terms, but it was my favorite beer!! Do you guys like any seasonal beers? I mean really enjoy them whole-heartedly? If you don\'t, then you can\'t possibly understand my frustration fully. I look forward to springtime just to be able to drink Blackbeary Wheats once again. They are only around from May-Aug, so once it\'s gone, it\'s like this emptiness rolls in over the part of my heart that really digs beer. So when you save one in your fridge for a while, and you are waiting for that perfect moment to bust it open and slurp down its berry goodness, and then someone swoops down with their evil claws and snatches it out from under you, then you can see why I would be upset.
I know there is no replacement for that one particular beer, and that sucks, but I just wanted to thank all of you that have given Elisa and I some acknowledgement. Thanks. It\'s good to hear that every once in a while.
Terry, don\'t worry, there will definitely be more afterparties in the future.