ive hit a couple in my time, one on 35 heading towards ridgefield only going about 30 mph it ran down outta the woods right into the passenger door,head first, no damage at all (the truck). the last one i hit, we were in the mountains, but in montana the mountainous regions still have a 70+ mph speed limit, mountains to the left, river to the right and a deer straight ahead gives you no place to swerve, so i had to hit it, this time at about 60, and again no damage to the truck, but a broken neck for bambi. but ser i would rather hit the fucking deer than swerver off the road to roll the car 47 times and shoot out of the windshield like a bottle rocket. out hear you gotta worry about fuckin elk and moose. i guess i must be one of the only ones who drives a truck. glad to see the only thing damaged was the car.