Author Topic: Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!  (Read 7513 times)


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this show has been cancelled.


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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2005, 07:28:41 pm »
Gee, good thing I devoted 2 Digest covers to the closing of a venue that opened the day after it "closed".  I\'m sorry, but that\'s really cheap marketing on Porter\'s part.  It\'s the same thing as the Kiss farewell tour.  They both sell themselves on the false pretense of this being the last chance to get the product.  And the people they suckered more than anyone else were us Breakfast fans, since they had the Breakfast play the "last night".  Somebody at Porter\'s with knowledge that the bar was not actually closing had to sit there and say, "Hey, let\'s tell all the Breakfast fans that the bar is closing so that they all come to this show."  In the words of Awesome-O 4000: LAME! :cartman:

Although it\'s cool that the band is playing there again, I guess.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2005, 07:32:21 pm by Wolfman »


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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2005, 07:30:34 pm »
i think it was more the band\'s marketing than the venue\'s...


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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2005, 07:33:22 pm »
Still some good news, though the expectations set after last year\'s Turkey Tour show will be hard to live up to.
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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2005, 07:39:13 pm »
The band may have been mislead, I don\'t know.  Someone at Porter\'s definitely had to tell The Breakfast that 9/30/05 was going to be the "last show."  The band could not have just conjured this up on their own.  That somebody surely also knew that the venue was not actually closing.  Whether or not the band knew that the venue was not actually closing, I don\'t know.  But I\'ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they didn\'t.  Either way, I consider this a cheap, unethical, and misleading tactic on Porter\'s part to get people to come to the show.  Especially considering that of all people who ever went there, they chose US to pull this B.S. on.    

That being said, I\'m not upset the the band is playing there again.  It\'s a good venue.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2005, 07:41:50 pm by Wolfman »


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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2005, 07:46:48 pm »
the band knew porter\'s was changing ownership. they even thought and said at the time that they wouldn\'t be playing there under the new owners.. apparently that had changed..

you can\'t really blame "porter\'s" for anything, since the ownership has changed.. the porter\'s website is still up and hasn\'t been changed since the ownership change, and there\'s no mention anywhere on the site about a closing...

i\'m not upset either. just sayin\' - "there\'s been a change of plans"...


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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2005, 07:59:42 pm »
ill be there,per usual..
take the E to the A to the\'ll be all set


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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2005, 08:07:15 pm »
Not sure what to make of this.
Will people rebel this show because of the false pretense of the last show at Porters? Most likely not, but they will speak of it.. I\'m sure that this plainandsimple fellow will be attending the reopening of porters featuring the breakfast.......
Simpleman. Thats what I am...
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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2005, 09:05:53 pm »
What better way to spend Turkey Eve than with some Breakfast.
This isn\'t who it would be if it wasn\'t who it is.

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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2005, 09:25:50 pm »
That would be funny as hell if they billed this as "The First EVER Breakfast show at the NEW Porter\'s".  

***LOT SCENE***  I cannot WAIT, i love Turkey Tour, now where are the Friday and Saturday shows going to be...

Porter\'s->Cafe 9->WheelHouse->Knitting Factory??  That would be cool.
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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2005, 09:27:28 pm »
21+, I can\'t go...

Wait a minute, that\'s the day after my 21st birthday!  SICK!

Thread title needs a date fix, by the way.
Go see your Breakfast, there are starving Leiths in California


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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2005, 09:32:41 pm »
Quote from: davepeck
the band knew porter\'s was changing ownership. they even thought and said at the time that they wouldn\'t be playing there under the new owners.. apparently that had changed..

you can\'t really blame "porter\'s" for anything, since the ownership has changed.. the porter\'s website is still up and hasn\'t been changed since the ownership change, and there\'s no mention anywhere on the site about a closing...

i\'m not upset either. just sayin\' - "there\'s been a change of plans"...

:lol: they could have at least changed the name!
so whats the deal with the new owners? anybody know? i suppose since the breakfast has agreed to play again, they must not be so bad...
porters revival! back from the dead. appropriate for halloween.... ;)
and what CAN you do, when your world is invaded by a reggaejunkiejew?!?


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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2005, 12:35:59 am »
I knew that it was going to change hands and the band was supposedly not going to play there again as a full band.. What I did not know until "the closing night" was that the new owner was going to keep the name and continue to book bands in the same fashion as the previous owners. From the new owners "scout", I was told the new owner owns many Connecticut bars and clubs and has tons of money. I certainly hope she does, because the previous owners had a hell of a financial backing and still went bankrupt. She was supposed to keep almost all of the same employees, just don\'t expect the place to be as cool and heady as the "old" place. Hopefully I will be proved wrong!!! We shall see....
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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2005, 08:56:47 am »
But you\'re missing the point...

Quote from: Drew_Kingsley
Wait a minute, that\'s the day after my 21st birthday!
Go see your Breakfast, there are starving Leiths in California

Jim Cobb

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Twas never meant to be - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT 11/23/05 - CANCELLED!
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2005, 09:59:21 am »
regarding the false billing of the "last" show....

come on, we\'d all have been there whether or not it was the "last" show there.
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