she walked right up with her friends and escorts, stood directly in front of me and started talking laoudly to some other girl. i was mid-throw-down, having etched out a little space to flail without smacking people, and she plopped herself right in the middle of it and then got huffy when i kept dancing full tilt. i actually said, \'bitch, dance or get out of my way\' and she rolled her eyes, took half a step back towards me and threw a look at this short, wrestler-looking guy in a suit (he did have his tie loosened a smidgeon, though), who promptly came over and told me that i \'probably don\'t want to keep disturbing the lady.\' i asked if he was her boyfriend, and he said no, but he was there to look after her. it took me a sec to put it together. [why would he be protecting her, what is she, famous or... oh shit, i know that face... d\'oh!!!]
i did manage to splash a decent amount of beer on her, though.