Would anyone like to participate in a rotation setlist for tonight? I am thinking if we put a good one together maybe TPalms will play some, most, or even all of it. I know rotation and other concocted setlists can be pretty crazy and stupid, but if we try to keep to the feel of Timmy Tour and the past Timmy shows, I think we could come up with a keeper.....
-If you would like to participate and you have an hour or two to spare this is how I would like to run it.....
-Reply to this thread that you want to do it.
-Then I will draw the order randomly.
-After I post the order, we can start.
-I would say each person has a 5 minute (approx) time limit to post his/her song.
-You can only use 2 (>) per set in your posts, and the person following you always has the freedom to end a (>) with a (,)
-Boomerang/Richters Jam is only allowed once per set and if you are the one to post it, then you cannot post for the rest of the set....
This was just a hairbrained idea I had driving home this morning.....
so if you want to participate please reply to this thread. It is almost 12:40 now, so lets see how many people we have by 12:50ish...