well..we were on the highway and had lost greg ellis at this post (possibly the worst driver i have encountered/worst person to follow/nicest mom) and chris announced that he had to go #1. i told him that i would get off at the next exit and he said that \'this had never happened to him before\' but wanted me to pull over on the side of the highway, which todd, mandler and i decided was not a good idea. getting off the next exit, he keeps on saying shit like \'i only have 45 seconds guys\'. it was at this point that we started talking about beautiful water falls and making watery sounds (ssssss, gsshhh). coming up on the gas station he\'s like \'i have 15 seconds, no more..not kidding, i\'m a vegetarian, etc\'...as i\'m pulling into the station, he opens the door while i\'m still driving to pull up to the station store so i have to stop very abruptly. next thing you know, the kid runs out of the car, not in to the gas station but onto someone\'s lawn next door and comes this close to wetting himself, but luckily was able to pee on their fence in plain view.