That sucks, Jocelyn! What the hell happened? It is tough to kill a healthy reptile in 2 weeks... they must have let them get too hot or too cold. Either way, I\'m sorry to hear that.
Mark, I always knew you were as cool as they come.
Well my bearded was looking pretty old and frail, but the others were healthy.
Exboyfriend didn\'t feed them, water them, or turn the lights on in the daytime. Shoulda put the lights on a timer. But for a handful of tanks, not really necessary.... they were all plugged into one thingie. Just had to flip a switch.
My guess is the water was the problem.
I had one gecko that lived but he died shortly after I got back, I think due to a broken heart since his girlfriend passed away. (lol, that doesn\'t happen with herps does it? he he)
On second thought, maybe they had some sort of disease? I don\'t know. Looked dehydrated to me.