I used to love these guys and then somewhere in the Late \'02/early\'03 I lost the feel for the style they were going for. Maybe it was the ticket prices too, way too pricey too quick(imho).
Lately, however, i have been hearing rumblings from older fans of the band that held my opinion as well that the Cheese had found a great new blend of "Old"and "New" that was once again...gouda! Sorry, I had to do IT.
So, with the help of the LMA, I have been checking out shows from the Summer \'04 Tour and on(and some moldy oldies that I used to love) and I think those old jaded heads might have something here. The sound the Cheese has evolved to is once again interesting to me.
Now, do not get me wrong, there are still some things I think they should have stayed away from(**TRANCE**), but it seems they have forged some sort of new(to coin a phrase) "Earthy Trance", that surprisingly seems to work. Also they have began to bring back some of the bluegrass that drew me in back in \'97-\'98. Along with a concerted effort to continue writing good songs and form a STRONG community, I might have to do a run with SCI this fall.
My possible run would be:
10/6-7 Portland, ME (doubtful)
10/8-9 Hampton Beach, NH (hopefully)
10/10-11 Ithaca, NY(doubtful)
10/13 Scranton, PA(probable)
10/15? Lindale, NJ(probable)
I gotta see how work, the funds, other plans(BP in CO & FLA) unfold. I thought I had to air this because I am bored.