Coming off a very satisfying performance of my own, i was excited for this show, especially because i had four newbs with me. seeing this guy "sam the rhyming comedian" out on the street totally ruining my game with these chicks i was hitting on, i had to run inside and find wolfy, and he certainly rose to the challenge. wolfy won that battle, but was gracious enough to let sam keep the money involved. when the girls left 5 minutes into the breakfasts set, i figured they must not be my type anyways.
here is my recap of the performance:
I: Doughboy, jam > Attraction To Shade Ditty, Great Big Fiery Ball In The Sky > Sleeping Beauty
at this point, i was starting to think to myself "my god, is this going to be my first disapointment at a breakfast show?" just wasnt into it. didn\'t feel like they were all that into it either.
Ship Of Fools > See The Light
I\'m gonna have to agree with dave and say that if that see the light was uninverted, it would have been the best ever. it was certainly the best I\'VE ever seen in person. it also totally turned my negative outlook on the evening around. STL got my feet moving, and i feel like thats the point at which the band started to click for the evening, and this was just the beginning.
Question Mark And The Mind > Hard Luck Harry > LDZ > Echidna\'s Arf (Of You) > jam > No Regret
My god... HLH was huge. just fucking huge. the bass player in my band, evan just kept looking at me saying, "WHAT??!!? WHAT??!!?? DUDE!! WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!?!??" and then a FLAWLESS echidna\'s arf, at which point all excitement about my performance earlier in the evening turned into strong feelings that i should quit music. (instead i\'m having a lesson today haha). solid no regret, really raged with the momentum from the tunes before it.
E: Organ Solo > The Chase, Man In Me
Jordan commanded this encore. nuff said.
yeah the lions den sucks, this show has gotta get back into the knit SOON. tim was talking about wanting to get back in there, so we\'ll see, maybe another turkey tour appearance at the knit, which would be a nice way to celebrate my one year anniversary of finding my second fam.
over and out.