Everyone, now is your chance to post any ideas and things you would like to see in the 1000th Show Extravaganza issue. Post right here with any stories, concepts, or anything else you\'d like to see. Of course submissions are great too! Send anything you\'ve written or pictures to breakfastdigest@hotmail.com
well, i already tried to submit this once, but it was shot down for two reasons....
a) i didn\'t change enuff from the original graphic (which is now changed as you will see) "reach for greatness" has been changed to "etch for escher\'s"
b) just to call you out seth, the graphic would not be printed b/c of the trademark of Bass Ale, due to wolfy\'s affiliation with a (imo, great and tastey lager) from Boston, won\'t name any names.....
though i know that wolfman excercises executive authority on this paper, because he created, maintains, and puts mostly all of the work into it, I feel that my art should be displayed regardless of which beer company i chose to base my satire off of, b/c after all this is "for the fans, by the fans" and i consider myself fan, and a SER one at that...and i put some time and effort into creating this peice of art displaying my affection for this band. Hopefully, others on this board will back me in my fight to get this pic printed in at least one of the digests, as not only is there a lack of submissions, from what i understand, but a lack of fan art. So please post in this thread if you would also like to see this beauty of a graphic printed in the 1000th epy of the Digest!