a part of me really wishes i could join you for this, while another part of me doesn\'t care for the big corporate aspect of it. in any event, hope you have an awesome time and i\'ll look forward to the big review.
Ya know I actually WELCOME the big corporations. After all the years of banging our heads against the walls of mainstream music it is nice to see some interest in the genre of Rock I/We enjoy. It can only lead to more exposure for all the bands I currently enjoy. I do not mind paying good $$ for fests that are going to give me my $$ worth. Yeah some may see them as taking advantage of an area not catered to as yet but isn\'t that what a good business does? I will not go to a fest if the music is not worth it. Some go to fests to party and catch some music, I go ONLY for music. Having friends around to share it with is cool but I can go solo no problem.
I fight daily against corporations either by joining email campaigns or boycotting certain stores and companies. The only one I really get upset @ in the music scene other than The Record Companies as a whole is Clear Channel and despite rumors to the contrary, Superfly and A.C Entertainment are not owned by CC.
Enjoy Vegoose, Leith.
Sounds like you have alot of music to consume in a weekend. Don\'t OD on the music.
Ween will be a blast. Hope they make their rounds in the near future. Great lineup, lots of fun, you bastard!
I have had one hell of a good year for music w/ Baja Bash, Xingolati,moe.down, Puppethouse and now Vegoose along w/ the numerous local shows I have seen.
I guess taking a job as a freelance LD for the largest Lighting Co. in the World (PRG) was a good choice.