I don\'t know the whole thing verbatim.... but here\'s a quick sum up.
show started w/ a GBFBITS> Taboo or not Taboot(inverted) there was a chase in there, then an Unfinished Hardluck> GBFBITS jam, which was ser as ser can be. the first set ended w/ Taboo(beginning)> KarnEvil 9 and a Mayfly w/ the guitarist from Rezi(peep this mayfly, dual guitar ahoy! is a thing of beauty, and the trade offs between him, tim and jordan were sweet. The second set had a great Gladys Pimp w/ the keyboardist from spyrogyro > Roadhouse Blues. Scattered across the show were staples like No Regret, Doughboy, and Inner Glimpse, and the second set closed w/ a Superfly Fatty Fat> Hardluck Harry jam(short and to the point). The encore was Mommy, what\'s a funkadelic?