Author Topic: Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT  (Read 19238 times)


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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #90 on: July 29, 2005, 07:24:36 am »
Love many, trust few and don\'t be late.


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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #91 on: July 29, 2005, 07:52:31 am »
TGSoT was indeed awesome.  There was like 4 cameras this would make a SER DVD.
This isn\'t who it would be if it wasn\'t who it is.

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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #92 on: July 29, 2005, 08:05:51 am »
originally posted by ant-man:BTW how did Gavin\'s crew get kicked out, how did they found out?

I hope this isn\'t true.  beserker, Gfunk and company are true road warriors making the trek to Porter\'s many a times from NH, and were always good company with plenty of requests to be filled.
Not sure what is gonna transpire. Regardless, we ain\'t gonna forget the gravy.


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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #93 on: July 29, 2005, 08:59:53 am »
Don\'t worry Gordo, there was so much audio and video recording and photography going on that it was hard to tell if I had paid 5 bucks to see Adrian play or to see recording equipment record.  

Watching the DVD of this would be very much like watching one of those "instructional" videos by some super virtuoso.  You know the ones where it says that with this video the super-human player will teach you to play your instrument better, but actually the whole video is just the super-human player playing super-human figures that you as a mere mortal will never be able to play, and even though you learn nothing from the video it was worth the purchase just to have your jaw on the floor for an hour.  Yeah, this DVD will look like those.


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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #94 on: July 29, 2005, 09:45:43 am »
Where to start? I\'m still running last night through my head and I still can\'t quite comprehend what went down. I do think some sort of musical history was made, and I\'m glad the crew was there to document it with multiple cameras and 20+ mics. Who\'s got the setlist??

Adrian absolutely blew away any expectations I had for this. It is hard to believe a drummer could sit up there for 1.5 hours and not produce one boring second. His playing was creative, relentless, and jawdropping. When I realized that he indeed was going to blow through the entirety of TGSOT, and the crowd starting yelling along, I got goosebumps that just wouldn\'t quit.

I honestly don\'t know how he could ever top this, but I urge everyone to get out there Aug 11 and see him try.
"Anyone who knows a god damn thing about this band and has been there as long as some of us have, know god damn well that this show was something special." Ren re: Toads 8/23/07


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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #95 on: July 29, 2005, 10:02:26 am »
Quote from: Wolfman
Don\'t worry Gordo, there was so much audio and video recording and photography going on that it was hard to tell if I had paid 5 bucks to see Adrian play or to see recording equipment record.  


while i think it\'s great that there will be a fun dvd of this show available at some point, the fact that it was a solo musician, plus the fact that porter\'s doesn\'t have a \'stage\', really makes it tough on an audience member when there are 2 people standing directly in front of said solo musician with cameras. it\'s hard enough to get a good view at porter\'s without the added obstructions..

being able to enjoy a show afterwards is a great thing, but more consideration needs to be taken for the people who are trying to enjoy a show as it happens. imo.


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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #96 on: July 29, 2005, 11:18:02 am »
taping and photography are a privilege. we are there to document the craziness for the poor souls who are unable to be in attendance (me last night). everyone should have consideration for the people who paid/drove. But in defense, deal with it, but you shouldn\'t have to for more than a couple minutes. everybody there are there to support. I personally try to never be in anyone\'s way for more than a couple minutes, but then again I\'m 6\'5" and that just goes without saying, and if i am just tell me to get the F\'out of the way, i might tell you to go F yourself or i might move depending on my mood.

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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #97 on: July 29, 2005, 11:42:56 am »
Quote from: Buquebus
originally posted by ant-man:BTW how did Gavin\'s crew get kicked out, how did they found out?

I hope this isn\'t true.  beserker, Gfunk and company are true road warriors making the trek to Porter\'s many a times from NH, and were always good company with plenty of requests to be filled.

awww shucks.. thanks for the props bequebus.. it\'s true. myself and my two friends were standinging in the parking lot (we could still hear) during the second set, scheme and all. my friends Jake and Mia missed the entire show except for 5 minutes of the 2nd set right before they gave us the boot. i managed to see the 1st set (O.T.H.). how did they find out... i guess we dont look 21+. scott the owner talked to us and explained that the cops could basically shut porters down for good if they fined him for underagers etc. he was very chill. the fat security guard who kicked us out = not chill.
it was fun chillin with everyone late night. see ya again tonight? (am i stu?)
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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #98 on: July 29, 2005, 11:51:45 am »
that\'s such a sad story. :(
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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #99 on: July 29, 2005, 12:09:30 pm »
How was Adrian\'s interaction with the crowd (did he speak between selections or did he just beat the hell out of the drums)?
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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #100 on: July 29, 2005, 01:38:42 pm »
At the end, he said he was tired, ha!
"Anyone who knows a god damn thing about this band and has been there as long as some of us have, know god damn well that this show was something special." Ren re: Toads 8/23/07


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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #101 on: July 29, 2005, 02:04:08 pm »
Quote from: derickw
But in defense, deal with [the people recording], but you shouldn\'t have to for more than a couple minutes.

Agreed.  I certainly understand if someone wants to jump in the way for a picture or two, then moves.  However, last night during the second set I stood 10 feet from Adrian with a clear sightline and saw maybe 30 seconds of playing.  The photographers spent the whole set literally standing on top of the drum kit taking at least 500 pictures.  This shows poor judgement and amateurism on the part of the photographers for two reasons.  First, they seem to have lost any concept of why the show is being played.  The show is played first and foremost for the people who go that night and pay a cover.  The show is not played so photographers can do whatever the heck they want and it is not played for the sake of the recording for people who couldn\'t make it.  Any recording is an incidental bonus and those recording need to make every effort to preserve the enjoyment of the show for the people who are there.  If the people in attendance were incidental and the show was played primarily for the recording, as the photographers treated it last night, then shows would be played in recording studios with fans watching through glass from another room.  The second reason that the photographers\' behavior was amateurish last night was because of the fact that they were taking hundreds and hundreds of shots.  A good photographer would get in, get a great shot, and get out with minimal disturbance to the audience and would not need thousands of shots to get a good one.  

It should be noted that 98% of the people recording Breakfast-related shows are entirely unobstrusive and everyone recording in any way (even last night\'s offenders) is producing great material.  However, the erroneous mindset that some people are slipping into that the show is played for the sake of the recording needs to be called out now because it\'s been getting worse and worse.  If you want to record or photograph that\'s fine, but you need to remember that the show is not being played for the sake of your recording, and act accordingly.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2005, 02:10:26 pm by Wolfman »

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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #102 on: July 29, 2005, 02:19:12 pm »
Quote from: Wolfman
If the people in attendance were incidental and the show was played primarily for the recording, as the photographers treated it last night, then shows would be played in recording studios with fans watching through glass from another room.

that would be weird.  you\'d have to have 2 live rooms, one for the band and one for recording the crowd, haha.  i know a good room for that on 38th street.

but anyway, i try to be as unobtrusive to tapers, photographers, videographers etc. as i can, but when it gets to the point where someone\'s telling me i cant use the open floor to dance because i\'m getting in the way of their video camera, i must say, i get a little resentful.
Postcount +1.


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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #103 on: July 29, 2005, 02:53:37 pm »
Obviously last night was a spectacle, a completely unprecedented event in Breakfast-ish history. I want to say Adrian played five numbers in the 35-minute first set and four in the 45-minute second set, mostly in the 8-minute range. There was an unquestionable Beatles The End segment in the last minute of the last tune of the first set. My favorite selection was the second of the second set, which was about 15 and seemingly covered each piece of equipment and every possible mood and tempo. That one produced the largest ovation with the obvious exception of Scheme, which was outlandish. There was vocal crowd participation in that which rivaled any I\'ve heard at a Breakfast gig. There was no moment in this performance during which anyone in the house was not clinging to each note, or so it looked. There were times I stuck to a beat and times I simply stood, trying to process how one could dominate that setup with such fury while still mixing it up to keep it from being montonous. Flying colors.


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Adrian Presents \'The Big Bang\' - 07/28/05 - Porter\'s; Westbrook, CT
« Reply #104 on: July 29, 2005, 03:03:37 pm »
Quote from: Wolfman
as the photographers treated it last night, then shows would be played in recording studios with fans watching through glass from another room.  The second reason that the photographers\' behavior was amateurish last night was because of the fact that they were taking hundreds and hundreds of shots.  A good photographer would get in, get a great shot, and get out with minimal disturbance to the audience and would not need thousands of shots to get a good one.  

i would have to agree. If this was a breakfast show, it would have been completely different. Adrian only played 2 very short sets, so if a photographer is going to stand right in front of him the whole time its not fair at all.

I thought paul did a good a good job staying out of everyones way though. he was never in 1 spot for very long and when he was in front of adrian he was usually on the ground. The other photographer was in everyones way all night including pauls which is not cool at all because he was not filming the show just for fun.

Hopefully the photographer did not completely ruin the camera angles. I really wasnt even thinking about it at the time, but i should have been. It sucks to get in the fans way, but when you get in the way of someone who is working for the band and has been there all day getting ready for this production it is complete bullshit. What kind of a photographer blocks a video camera to take pictures?
« Last Edit: July 29, 2005, 03:05:52 pm by ChrisF »