Absolutely ser. 3 setups were in use. The best way to differentiate them would be 1. regular rock setup w/ Breakfast kit 2. Jazz kit with extra tom and melodic cowbells and blocks 3. Afro percussion set with djembe, wooden xylophony thingy, hand congas etc. Incredible work, that\'s all I can say. He closed with a complete and unabridged Grand Scheme of Things with special guest "the crowd" lalalaing select guitar parts. Awesome. Ad played a preposterous 56,817 notes. The only drummer I have ever counted playing more notes in a single show was Jon Fishman at the 7.5 hour set at Big Cypress. However, that was a totally different set of circumstances. Adrian\'s pace tonight of over 10 notes per second for the whole show obviously obliterates any drummer\'s pace for any show in the history of music. Hot diggety dog.