I thought paul did a good a good job staying out of everyones way though. he was never in 1 spot for very long and when he was in front of adrian he was usually on the ground. The other photographer was in everyones way all night including pauls which is not cool at all because he was not filming the show just for fun.
Difference here, Paul was getting paid he was doing his job. Can\'t say shit if he was in the way the whole time! I have only heard one mention of the Photographers name, even tho I know who it is, I\'m not going to mention names but this is not the first time. (IE: The last Toad\'s show, anyone remember?)
Hopefully the photographer did not completely ruin the camera angles.
I know the photographer ruined my angles the whole night.

I would like to add, even though with all the drama with the photographer Adrian was F*ckin on fire, but I think that is the only reason why the audience was pre occupied with his unbelievable playing and not the photographer being in the way, even though it was a bit of a burden.
While on the phone with Jed (Giving him directions off the highway) outside, the owner said to the door guy that there is underagers upstairs and that they have to go now! I was trying to lay low like a snake. Despite my cover being blown down at the bar I recovered and I wasn\'t thrown out, I may do the Porter\'s show after Sully\'s, not sure yet. I do know that the owner knows the faces of Bezerker\'s friends. Be carefull guys!