This is no joke.....
Who\'s got my extra ticket and ride to this insanity.....(PM ME PLEASE)
and how the hell are we getting to Block Island the following day?
I was thinking maybe we just hijack the boat a la Speed 2....
Are the tickets sold out? Can you buy them at the door?
I will be driving up to RI that next day, and we will take the boat to Block Island. DerickW lives in RI so there will be a couple of us.
ser fun to had at this show. i cant fuckin wait much longer. would love to go see them at block island but probably be unable to make it unless we to hijack the boat and cruise on up to RI with it. Sure would be one way to get the band some publicity. and we all know
bad publicity=good publicity
too bad someone would have to take the wrap. maybe we can bribe the Captain of the Ship or something.