source: Handbook for boys, Boy Scouts of America 34th printing, copyright 1940. Pages 480-481ConservationIn this chapter much has been said of the active measures which a boy should take in order to become strong and well. We should be equally concerned in saving and storing up the natural forces which we allready have. In the body of every boy in his \'teens, a very important fluid is produced. This fluid is important to the whole body. Some parts of it find their way into the blood, and through the blood give tone to the muscles, power to the brain, and strength to the nerves. This is the sex fluid and is formed by the testicles. When it appears in a boy\'s body, it works a wonderful change. His chest deepens, his shoulders broaden, his voice changes, and his ideals are changed and enlarged.When a boy reaches the age of 15, 16, or 17 (though it may be earlier, or later), this fluid is occasionally discharged from the sex organ in the night. This discharge is called a seminal or nocturnal emission. It may be accompanied by a dream. It is a perfectly normal expierence. It may come several times a month, or only once in two or three months. A few boys and young men never have emissions. Boys need not and should not worry about these expierencese. They are natural, but no steps should be taken to excite seminal emission. That is masturbation. It\'s a bad habit. It should be fought against. It\'s something to keep away from. Keep control in sex matters. It\'s manly to do so. It\'s important for one\'s life, happiness, efficiency and the whole human race as well. Keep in training. A cold hip bath will help (water tempature 56 to 60 degrees f., sitting in a tub, feet out, fifteen minutes at night before going to bed).Seek advice from wise, clean, strong men. If you feel you need special help, write to Phisically Fit Department of BOY\'S LIFE Magazine and you will get a confidential reply. Every scout should read "Keeping Fit," a builetin for boys prepaired by the U.S. Public Health Service. A copy of the bulletin can be obtained by addressingthe U.S. Public Health Service, Washington, D. C.
but it might help you
I am a chronic MB-er. I don\'t think this is going to help, can\'t keep my hands off my hot bod.
Quote from: SpaceyI am a chronic MB-er. I don\'t think this is going to help, can\'t keep my hands off my hot bod.sinner