Hello everybody! This is your old pal Wolfman. Let\'s break down the brackets for some predicitons in this year\'s fantastic Tournament of Tunes!
Pearl Street Bracket:
Scheme sits atop a very strong overall bracket. Scheme is clearly epic, though it may lose some ground due to lack of number of performances. At least one 12 seed always wins, and Phaddy Boom Baddy is the 12 you love to go with here. People love marijuana songs. Look for a hot round 1 matchup with Score. The bottom of the bracket features 3 instrumental underdogs. They all have a battle, but the most likely to emerge alive is Frankly Po Zest over ballad Vera Street. Hardluck Harry was a surprise 2 seed, look for 3 seed Sundance to score the upset in the Sweet Sixteen. I predict a Scheme v. Sundance regional final coming down to the wire.
Winner: Sundance
Upset Special: Phaddy over Score
The Booth Bracket:
#1 seed Rufus is very hot coming off the other poll that inspired this tournament, as well as frequent airplay on Sirius 17. I will probably be the only person voting for Beer Jubilee, since the song is about going to the afterparty at my house and I\'m mentioned by name in the song. LDZ vs. Eppy 1 in the 8 v. 9 spot is an intruiging old-school matchup. May go to overtime there. Rufus should cruise to the regional final. The bottom half of the bracket features a very hot and underseeded Doughboy at #6. Taboot will have its hand full with Doughboy in round 2. Look for Escher\'s to eek it out with strong lyric play and take on Rufus in the final.
Winner: Rufus
Upset Special: Doughboy over Taboot
Toad\'s Place Bracket:
Buquebus is a lock for a 1 seed but will face an early test against Puppetry in the Sweet 16. This is the most straightforward bracket. Upsets seem unlikely. However, Funky Bill, despite low frequency of performance, should be strong given that it only seems to be played when the show is really getting insane. Unlike the other 2/3 matchups, Gravity will come in as a big favorite over Fiery Ball. The regional final will be interesting, with perennial powerhouse Buquebus taking on young upstart Gravity.
Winner: Gravity
Upset Special: Funky Bill over Sleeping Beauty
Winston\'s Bracket:
#1 seed Mooboo\'s Voodoo also comes in scorching hot, having just become the song mentioned on the first ever unofficial Breakfast T-Shirts. Also, a solid rendition Friday night in New York with an Eppy I sandwich means that Mooboo\'s is peaking at the right time. Conversely, 4 seed Spunk has had limited rotation over the last couple of years, which will hurt its chances against hippie anthem Vermont Song. Just like 13 seed Vermont beat Syracuse in Basketball, look for 13 seed Vermont Song to beat Spunk here. In the weirdest round 1 matchup, I like Lit to hold off Wild Pack. People like Lit beacuse they don\'t know what it is. And it\'s about marijuana. Tribal won\'t be tested until Gladys Pimp in the Sweet 16, but Tribal has the huge advantage of being the first song on Deuce, whereas Gladys Pimp has yet to make an album. That should seal the deal for Tribal. Rounding out a series of 4 bombastic regional finals, the first song on Deuce will succumb to the last song on Deuce.
Winner: Mooboo\'s Voodoo (Episode II)
Upset Special: Vermont Song over Spunk
FINAL FOUR: Sundance vs. Roofus. Sundance comes in with stronger composition, vocal arrangement, and overall complexity. However, Roofus counters with more frequent play, more clutch plays (Baker Quad, Camp Creek, Bona Fide, etc.) and a catchy reggae hook. (This is a popularity contest, after all.) Though both are equal jam vehicles, more great jams have come out of Roofus. I don\'t know how I will vote yet, but I think more people are into Roofus right now.
Gravity vs. Eppy II: The thing you have to love about Gravity is that it has yet to produce its best performance. It is one of the rising young stars of the lineup, and will no doubt be coming through in some huge spots very soon. After the shocker over powerhouse Buqeubus though, it will not have enough legs left to take down the red-hot and well-established Mooboo\'s Voodoo.
FINAL: Roofus v. Mooboo\'s Voodoo (Episode II)
The 2 hottest Breakfast songs have blazed their way to the championship. Both songs have mood-setting composition in the beginning before the verse comes in. Both songs have epic mid-song jams that peak at a chorus reprise. Both songs feature catchy choruses. Roofus features humor, but Mooboo\'s counters with soul. Both songs have been played in huge spots. It\'s a very, very tough vote. However, given all the recent hoopla with the T-shirts, the NYC Sandwich, Freddie\'s campaigning and the Episodes discussions, the force is with Episode II.
Happy Voting!