there is no God....
holy shit, this is the first message board i\'ve seen without a 38944793845 page long "God" thread.
the idea of "god" as an old dude with a beard in the sky is silly to me. but i do believe that we all make up a greater collective being that has a consciousness in and of itself. some may call this "god", "great spirit", "the all", whatever you want, but i believe that we are a small part of something much larger and more powerful than any individual.
my post "there is no God" was basically a quote from Caddyshack....(the bishop after being struck by lightening during his amazing round in the rain with Carl Spackler)......the next scene when he is drinking in the bar....anywho.....
I most definately believe in something, but not the way the roman catholic church tried to guilt me into believing for the better part of my life......
I feel its more like at the end of MIB II...there is some kind of crazy alien that is moving marbles of universes from one place to another....
KATE....there are many things to believe out there....and you are ahead of the game for having your beliefs and realizing that everyone is entitled to their own opinion..........personally I do believe we are all connected in some way shape or form...its like the collective unconscious (or something to that effect) or "the blanket theory" (from I :heart: Huckabees)