Jesus H this thread ser?
leith...if dave did ask you to mention something...especially something as fucking plot specific to this fucking really fucked up your assignment guy....what the fuck....i mean if you were trying to be funny you should have stopped posts ago...POSTS AGO.....
if dave makes the wah forum supporting member only...i would go without hand over directly how much it would take to see that have now truly disappointed me....
you assault wahs fucking character and person right on his fucking have no idea who he is...or anyone for that matter....i thought we hung out in was definately a cool time..but i guess real life leith and virtual west coast douche leith are 2 completely different people...
you say that we are always talking shit, bustin balls, breakin chops...whatever....i cant say i have ever insulted anyones actual person without knowing them. now people will always bring up joe on this board. i do not know joe, and i have posted my feelings as such...but i would still give him the chance to interact in person with me before i ruled him out as an obnoxious self important leith please remember in closing that there are some personal assaults that have come from your general direction that have never and could never be misconstrued for ball busting.......