Below is my post from last night when I got home before this thread was up....around 3:00<<<<3:00am, Not bad. Considering the we hung out for a while afterwards.
As with every show....that was the best show I\'ve seen since....well.... the last show I\'ve seen. Why is it that only us Breakfast fans, realize this??? Believe me as selfish as this may sounds, it\'s nice that they haven\'t blown up yet because we won\'t be able to have great shows like last night and we\'ll probably have to cough up $60 - 70 to the Oakdale or the Meadows to see them from a hundred feet back....if we\'re lucky.
I look forwad to every show even more now because I know it\'s just a matter of time before we have to share them with the world....... :mad: :mad: Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:
As for the crowd last night...the best group of people you could ever wish to come across. Breakfast Fans are the best fans.... :peace:
MooBoo>No Quarter>MooBoo I\'ve got to have a copy of that.....Let\'s go guys, hook a brotha up!!!!
See ya at the next show.
MooBoo> No Quarter> MooBoo\'s makes me very happy.
Once again The Breakfast have played an awesome show.
Thanks to TerryOB for hosting a great night.