Getting a little ancy as May 7th approaches. 5 full days until the Breakfast at the Websta. 3 tunes that I would like to see at the Websta:1) Taboo or Not Taboot2) Mayfly Disarray-(absolutely have been tearing this song apart lately)3) BuquebusI haven\'t seen these songs in a few shows now. I ask for them every show and have not been rewarded. I did call for the GSOT in Worchester and got it in Vermont.WOO-HOOBreakfast @ da Websta
Tribal Funk Affliciton BITCHES....1 time on the entire real radio tour.....COME ON BITCHES!!!!!Tribal>Mayfly>Mommy>Mayfly>Tribal
Quote from: StephengencsTribal Funk Affliciton BITCHES....1 time on the entire real radio tour.....COME ON BITCHES!!!!!Tribal>Mayfly>Mommy>Mayfly>Tribal no no, Teaneck= Tribal>IG>Tribal>IG>Tribal holla! SICK
Set 1 Opener = Tribal>Man In Me>Tribal,