Author Topic: The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...  (Read 3684 times)


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The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...
« on: February 14, 2005, 12:00:50 pm »

The Five Worst Things About Valentines Day

1.  Those Fucking Valentine Conversation Heart Candies

Everyone’s eaten them, the crappy, once a year chalk flavored candy known as ‘conversation hearts’.  It’s a good thing these crumbly morsels are only served up one month of the year, because I don’t think Hanukkah hearts would be the same (I can only imagine the “Jews Are Good Writers” candy hearts just wouldn’t go over as well as say “Sweetheart”.  How about some personalized candy hearts?  I’d be glad to slip a “I Slept With Your Sister” or a “Guess Who Has Genital Warts” heart into some valentines by accident.

Now that\'s what I\'m saying, straight to the point...

2.  Bitter, Whining, Single Women

Look, ladies…we’ve all had our ups and downs, we all know how the world works.  By now, you should know that Valentine’s Day is just a commercialized day in the short, retarded month that didn’t have any real holidays (sorry Martin Luther, but I don’t get presents on your birthday) made up by greeting card companies.  So, why the long faces?  So you don’t have a boyfriend…why can’t it just be a normal night, with you and your bucket of ice-cream (not the non-fat shit either, the real stuff) in front of a Friends on DVD marathon?  Nope…you and your equally bitter single friends hit the bars in search of a shoulder to cry on, a free drink, and a bed for the night which you’ll regret when you pop up in the morning with a new STD.  Quit whining, quit being bitter, and treat this fraudulent day like any other.

3.  Balloons

I know it can’t be just me that thinks that balloons are the worst present someone can get.  What’s the deal with balloons?  Not only do they shrivel up in 2 days, but once they get loose from the bunch, they’re floating around the damn house and with vaulted ceilings, it’s a fucking chore getting those bad boys down…they don’t come when you call them.  I wonder who got the balloon idea in the first place…”I don’t know what the hell to do for my girl for Valentine’s Day…maybe I’ll give her some blown up condoms on a string, that’ll get me laid.”  I’d rather play Russian roulette with a tank than give balloons as a gift.  Stop this fucking madness.

4.  Pricks and Predators

I already mentioned them.  These are the fuck sticks that hang out at the bars on Valentine’s Day just waiting for that broad to walk in who’s got the smeared mascara.  He’s here for one purpose, and one purpose only…to fuck you in the most uncomfortable of places…yes, like the back of a Volkswagon.  Now normally I’ve got nothing against guys who go to bars looking to pick up a skank who’ll be gone before the eggs hit the sunny-side up in the morning (hey, whatever floats your boat, heroin junkie)…but picking up vulnerable women late on Valentine’s Day?  Shame on you, Hugh Grant, shame on you.

5.  Online Flower Services

Using online flower services sounds like a great fucking idea, I know, my Valentine is pretty far away at the moment.  But if you’re just one of those cocks who’s too lazy to go to the florist and hand pick what you’re giving to your sweetheart for V-Day, you might want to order a pizza instead.  Most of these bouquets don’t look half as full as the online photo (think: McDonalds…nothing looks like the picture, dammit), and if it gets there in one piece, you still have better probability than not that they didn’t even get the order right.  Online flower services SUCK.  Get off of your ass and pick that shit by hand, Mr. Romance.


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The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2005, 01:06:22 pm »
you having a bad day?


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The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2005, 01:53:30 pm »
stupid hallmark holidays.. nice post Dave.. you\'d think production of those conversation hearts would have been stopped by now.. they remind me of elementary school :)
Not sure what is gonna transpire. Regardless, we ain\'t gonna forget the gravy.


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The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2005, 03:14:48 pm »
it ain\'t too bad being a bitter single chica on valentine\'s day..gotta say i didn\'t look like that woman in the pic this morning and probably would not have written "all men must die" in my own blood on the bathroom mirror. definitely won\'t be eating any fattening ice cream after being scarred as an employee of ben and jerry\'s. not all girls watch friends marathons..if i\'m at home tonight it will be with my kitten watching south park and if i\'m lucky insomniac is on...


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The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2005, 03:43:50 pm »
more v-day cheer..


Enduring The Incessant Whining of Single Females on Valentines Day
So here I am at work listening to the whining of single bitches in my office piss and moan about not being able to find a nice single guy.

Off Topic Note: Every year this Valentines thing gets a little worse - it used to be you could get away with a box of chocolates, some flowers - now its like Christmas.

Having been a nice guy and now having been hooked up for a while. Honey, I have a few words for you - WAKE THE FUCK UP

If you are female, single and attractive the only reason you are single is YOU. YOU ARE THE FREAKING PROBLEM. Not the guy.

Here is a potential list of issues (you being the beast not withstanding):

1. Your standards are too high (ie. I want him to have a successful career, a nice body and NOT spend to much time at work). Hint: NOBODY IS EVER GOING TO MATCH THAT.

2. You are a closet lesbian and hate men. At least be bisexual so we can watch you get it on with your friend.

3. You are selfish and self centered.

4. You are high, high maintenance. Lots of average looking girls make themselves high maintenance. Here is a hint - unless you look like a freaking super model you need to get your attitude adjusted in a hurry. Than we will put up with your shit.

5. You have a condescending attitude toward men. You thing we are all stupid. This man bashing thing is prevalent nowadays. Here is another hint: men can always tell when women are like this. We all know that if you are like this when you are single god only knows what your fucking mouth will be like when we are married.

6. To much emphasis on your career. Your career comes first and everything else second. Getting involved with a woman like this is like 2 corporations merging. If I wanted to be fucked up the ass every day I could just stay at work.

7. Gold digging. We all know that money is job #1 with lots of women when picking out men. Hint: if you knock most us out of the running than there are slim pickings left. Deal with the fact that we all aren\'t VP\'s at companies and have a Benz in the garage.

8. You have baggage or are bitter. Suddenly every man is responsible for the fact that YOU pick out bad men. Nobody told you to date the bad boys and than get fucked and chucked. You don\'t like being used and abused, well than don\'t date bad men. This is pretty simple. You got hurt, used, abused, whatever. Get over it and move the fuck on. Whatever you do don\'t take out all your hostilities on us because of something someone else did.

9. You are a freak and are into some weird shit. I am not talking about bondage, anal or anything like that (we would welcome that). I am talking about that you are into witchcraft, crystals, new age bullshit, etc... Stop it and become normal.

10. You are spoiled and don\'t know the meaning of the word compromise. Here is a hint: you will have to compromise through most of life. Deal with it.

11. You suck in bed. The Italians have a saying "men want a whore in the bedroom and lady in the living room". This is the truth. We like women that like to fuck. Bottomline. Men are easily bored after hitting the same thing time and time again. They like variety and like to be entertained. So don\'t be shy about trying out things or telling us you want to do some funky shit.

Last thing, I hear lots of American women bitching about American men dating foreigners. You want to know why? Because YOU SUCK. You are a pain in the ass. Period. Foreign women are easy to deal with. Having dated Europeans and Latina\'s, they are infinitely easier to deal with than American women. They just accept you for being a man. I hear lots of women say foreign women are pushovers - its the furthest thing from the truth. Particularly the Italians and the Latina\'s - they will fight with you and are very vocal. They just don\'t have all this bullshit that you carry around with you.

i guess i should point out that i didn\'t write any of this, and the words, views, and opinions expressed in the preceeding articles are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of myself, The Breakfast,, PETA, ASPCA, AAACP, AAA, and the KKK. thank you.


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On A Heady (Chocolates) Valentine\'s Day Note:
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2005, 04:04:44 pm »
AMARILLO, Texas (AP) - Authorities doubt Cupid had any part in the 9 pounds of heart-shaped candies discovered during a traffic stop.

The candies, found Monday by Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, tested positive for psilocybin, a psychedelic drug extracted from a ******** of the same name.

The estimated value of the faux Valentine\'s Day chocolate was more than $408,000, DPS officials said in a news release.

The troopers found the candy in a plastic bag after stopping a San Francisco man\'s 2005 Toyota Corolla on Interstate 40 about three miles west of Amarillo.

Craig Allen Moreland, 30, was arrested and taken to the Potter County Detention Center on drug charges, the release said. ---

Information from: the Amarillo Globe-News, <>
I stepped into a nightmare. Noticed you were right there. - Doozer
After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. -Mandela
Your Mom\'s a whore. - Broseph


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Re: On A Heady (Chocolates) Valentine\'s Day Note:
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2005, 04:10:15 pm »
Originally posted by Stephengencs
AMARILLO, Texas (AP) - Authorities doubt Cupid had any part in the 9 pounds of heart-shaped candies discovered during a traffic stop.

The candies, found Monday by Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, tested positive for psilocybin, a psychedelic drug extracted from a ******** of the same name.

The estimated value of the faux Valentine\'s Day chocolate was more than $408,000, DPS officials said in a news release.

The troopers found the candy in a plastic bag after stopping a San Francisco man\'s 2005 Toyota Corolla on Interstate 40 about three miles west of Amarillo.

Craig Allen Moreland, 30, was arrested and taken to the Potter County Detention Center on drug charges, the release said. ---

Information from: the Amarillo Globe-News, <>


I guess that\'s one way to go.  For Valentine\'s Day, instead of yelling at you, she\'ll be talking to a potted plant.  lol
Play some Weezer!!!


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The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2005, 04:12:11 pm »
That would be great to dose your girl on valentines day with some chocolate boomers......just for a laugh.....

I wish I had 9 pounds of chocolate boomers...though I prefer them in the raw, I would make an exception...
I stepped into a nightmare. Noticed you were right there. - Doozer
After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. -Mandela
Your Mom\'s a whore. - Broseph


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The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2005, 04:27:27 pm »
Chocolates are better brah, don\'t have all the excess shit, just the spores and oil.  Much more potent usually if done right.
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The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2005, 04:29:27 pm »
Originally posted by WALSH
Chocolates are better brah, don\'t have all the excess shit, just the spores and oil.  Much more potent usually if done right.

Thank You
Sir Wook-InDa-Lot
I stepped into a nightmare. Noticed you were right there. - Doozer
After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. -Mandela
Your Mom\'s a whore. - Broseph


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The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2005, 05:40:03 pm »
Originally posted by davepeck
more v-day cheer..


i guess i should point out that i didn\'t write any of this, and the words, views, and opinions expressed in the preceeding articles are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of myself, The Breakfast,, PETA, ASPCA, AAACP, AAA, and the KKK. thank you.

but you\'re still an ass for posting it!


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The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2005, 05:43:06 pm »
More truth in this post than in all Wah\'s posts combined ;)
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The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2005, 08:00:27 am »
Chocolate Boomers.....great name for a band!
Play some Weezer!!!


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The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2005, 12:20:23 pm »
Masturbation in the MFA


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The 5 Worst Things About Valentine\'s Day...
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2005, 06:04:34 pm »
Chocolates are most definitely the way to go.  At least the ones I eat; it\'s like biting into a York Peppermint Patty.  Beats the hell out of those nasty tasting things that get stuck in your teeth and such.