marcial - gonna try a step by step...
let\'s use
this show as an example. open up that page.
- on the left, click on FTP Information. you\'ll see the following:
Directory: /3/audio/pb1999-04-30.flac16
Username: anonymous
Password: you can leave this blank or use your email address
- open SmartFTP. you should see \'local browser\' (your machine).
- on the top, where it says address, enter enter
anonymous for login, and leave password blank.
- click
connect (first icon on the top). you will now connect to the ftp server, which has files and folders like your local browser.
- now, according to the FTP Information page, the show is in folder 3, audio, pb1999-04-30.flac16... so navigate there (double click 3, then audio, then pb1999-04-30.flac16).. you now see all the files in the show, and can drag and drop them to your machine to begin downloading..
as an alternative to dragging and dropping, i suggest using the \'
global queue\' feature. first create the folder(s) for the show(s) on your machine. then, go to the 1st show you want on the ftp server. select the files you want, right click, and select
download > global queue > local destination > select folder. pick the folder on your drive that you created for that show, and the files will be queued up to download there. you can then do this with as many shows as you want, and they\'ll download one after the other. to see the status of the queue, start it, stop it, etc, click on the big blue Q at the top of the screen, and you\'ll see it...
let me know how you make out. seems complicated, but it\'s really not..