1: Cry Baby Cry>Runnin Down A Dream, The Man Who Sold The World, Alabama Song, Do You Want To Know A Secret>50 Ways To Leave Your Lover>50 Ways Jam>Lady Madonna>Lady Madonna Jam>Mike\'s Song>59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin\' Sidebar)@>Question Mark And The Mind@>I Wanna Get High@>Are You Experienced?>That Would Be Something, Schlongview, Crossroads>Buquebus#>Crossroads, It\'s Still Rock and Roll To Me, Pay No Mind, With A Little Help From My Friends
2: ShakeFor Me, Walk On The Wild Side%^>On The Road Again>The Humpty Dance%, Legalize It>Love Lake>L.A. Woman>Love Lake>ZipADeeDooDah Ending, Walsh\'s "let the juice lose" Segwich Intro>Brain Damage*>Doughboy*>SWLABR*>YEM*>Eclipse*>Segwich Outtro*, Tangerine, Under The Bridge, I\'m So Tired, Big Empty, Shock The Monkey Fakeout, Betterman$
E: Jeremy$
E2: No Regret (tim asks what the crowd wants to hear. Walsh tosses out I\'m The Slime. Tim confirms that is what the crowd wants to hear and then proceeds to fake out I\'m The Slime and go into a No Regret)
@ The Repeat Threepeat
# W/ one verse of Emminem\'s My Fault
% W/ sidebar Men\'s Room "Slurp Verse"
^ Ser Franklin\'s Tower Tease coming out of Wild Side
* W/ Jordan on Melodica
$ Sidebar Waiter On Vocals
Back to Back Solo Timmy was something to be experienced, but shouldn\'t happen too often. Too much to handle in what turned out to be one long ass 48 hour day. Sidebar is a fantastic spot and I would love to see Tim take that venue over as the regular Wednesday night spot once 232 figures out what it\'s doing. Amazing Music. Great Sound. Fantastic Scenery. Now it is time to pack it away till next week.... Have a great weekend. OVER and out.