I: jam > Dig, Beef Barley, Escher\'s Etchings > The Vermont Song, jam > Sundance, Garcian Fishbowl > Vera Street > Garcian Fishbowl > Earache My Eye > Tribal Funk Affliction > LDZ > No Regret, Taboo Or Not Taboot, Spunk > Drum Solo, Rufus* > Tribal Funk Affliction
E: Help On The Way / Slipknot!
[i]* with \'Pop Goes The Weasel\' tease.[/i]
holy cow.. amazing show, and an amazing night of music.. adrian ran away with the MVP award for tonight... if it was a game of NBA Jam, we\'d say he was ON FIRE! that\'s all i got for now.. BED!