Ali G is phenomenal British satire. It\'s hilarious that he even gets these politicians, newspeople and celebrities to commit to what they think are serious interviews. Ali G then sabotages them asking questions like, "Will the U. S. ever land a man on the surface of the sun," to which space-pioneer Buzz Aldren replies with a totally-straight face, "No, the sun is too hot," to which Ali G replies, "What if we send someone up there in the winter when it\'s colder." I think this is great because the subjects think Ali G is a legit British talk-show host and assume his dumb questions are due to cultural barriers. That\'s why they continue feeding right into his hands. The laughter ensues.
The other two characters, Borat from Kazakstan, and the highly-flamboyant fashion guru from Austria, both show tremendous versatility on the part of Sasha Baron Cohen (Ali G\'s real name). Both follow the same pattern as the Ali G character, tricking people into thinking they actually have serious talk-shows in their respective countries, but take place in completely different circumstances. I think Cohen is immensely talented due to his ability to play three different characters with three separate personalities, and playing them off so well without cracking up that his subjects think he\'s for real and continue answering the questions seriously.
Personally, I feel this show is among the best on television. Another in a long line of HBO gems. It has the ability to appear completely stupid on the surface while actually being incredibily intelligent beneath it. Brilliant concept, brilliant program. The entire first season and the first episode of this season are On Demand right now if you have Comcast. Otherwise, this season just started if you have HBO. I urge everybody to watch at least a couple episodes of this show. It\'s a freshly unique concept and there\'s a strong chance you will laugh considerably.