Seth is right- (to a certain degree) horse racing is fixed, and it has been for, well, decades...
Not to mention, it\'s an incredibly abusive sport which I refuse to support. Having bought 2 horses off the racetrack, I know first hand what it does to the horses. They start racing them at 2; a horse isn\'t mature (physically or mentally) until about 4. They drug them, beat them, and terrify them. Every horse I have ever known to come off the track is neurotic and very frightened. Any sport where an animal can make so much money is of course going to be cruel- these horses are not friends, partners, or even pets. They are machines bred to make money, so their welfare is obviously not a main concern. At breeding/training facilities they pump out often 100 foals a year, to get MAYBE one successful track horse,and what do you think becomes of the others? They go by the saying "make \'em or break \'em. Lovely. The cruelty of greyhound racing is well-known, but it blows my mind how the public is entirely unaware of the atrocities that go on behind the scenes of thoroughbred racing. No offense guys, but you really should do some research before you go and support horse racing.....