I: Doughboy, Phaddy Boom Baddy, Dig, No Regret > May Fly Disarray, Escher\'s Etchings > Echidna\'s Arf (Of You) > Frankly Po Zest, The Chase, Happy Together*, Hard Luck Harry > Inner Glimpse, Vera Street > Rufus, Score^, Night Of The Thumpasorus Peoples^#@&, The Vermont Song^#%
E: Wild Pack Of Asscracks
[i] * The Turtles cover; first time played.
^ with Dave Adams and Ben Groppe of Addison Groove Project
on Alto and Tenor Saxophone, respectively.
# with Rob Marscher of Addison Groove Project on keyboards.
@ with Brendan McGinn of Addison Groove Project on trumpet.
& with Andrew Keith of Addison Groove Project on drums (no Adrian).
% with Brendan McGinn of Addison Groove Project on guitar.[/i]